[miso-users] MISO aborts with error *** glibc detected *** python: free(): invalid pointer

Anke Busch abusch at uci.edu
Tue Feb 21 20:35:32 EST 2012

Hello Yarden,

I have installed MISO release 0.4.1 recently. I did all the steps you 
explain on your website. The setup worked fine, importing misopy and 
pysplicing works in python. When checking for availability of modules by 
using module_availability.py, everything is fine.

I work with an Ubuntu 10.04 system which has python release 2.6 
installed. When running the MISO test (test_miso.py) the following error 
message appears and the run crashes:

python /home/hertel/Software/src/misopy-0.4.1/misopy/test_miso.py

Testing conversion of SAM to BAM...
Executing: python 
/home/hertel/Software/src/misopy-0.4.1/misopy/sam_to_bam.py --convert 
Converting SAM to BAM...
   - Executing: samtools view -Sbh 
[samopen] SAM header is present: 35 sequences.
Sorting BAM file...
Loading settings from: 
    short_queue_name quick
    long_queue_name long
    cluster_command qsub
    filter_results True
    min_event_reads 20
    lag 10
    burn_in 500
    num_iters 5000
Computing Psi for 1 genes...
   - ENSMUSG00000019943
   - GFF filename: 
   - BAM: 
   - Outputting to: 
Loading BAM filename from: 
Loading took 0.00 seconds
*** glibc detected *** python: free(): invalid pointer: 0x099e8c20 ***

samtools is installed properly and can be run. I don't know what else 
could cause the problem here. Do you have any idea, what could go wrong 

Thanks a lot for your help.

   Dr. Anke Busch
   Postdoctoral Researcher
   Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
   Medical Sciences I, C290
   University of California, Irvine, USA

   Email: abusch at uci.edu
   Phone: +1-949-824-2128

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