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For those who might be interested in trying out Evolution (an email client similar to Microsoft Outlook), Novell has released a port for Mac OS X 10.3 at the following website:<BR>
<A HREF="http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?evolution">http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?evolution</A><BR>
Previously Mac users were able to obtain Evolution by installing Fink, however this package is a direct port of the Evolution application and does not require Fink to be installed. The port is based on the current 2.2 release version of Evolution for Linux and as such contains that versions feature set such as SpamAssasin spam filtering, Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003 and Novell Groupwise server support. A full description of Evolution's features can be found at the following:<BR>
<A HREF="http://gnome.org/projects/evolution/">http://gnome.org/projects/evolution/</A><BR>
As a port, Evolution does have some shortcomings, and after some use these are some that I have discovered:<BR>
300+ Mb installed<BR>
Requires X11 to be installed and to run Evolution (X11 based apps tend to open slower than native Mac apps)<BR>
Shortcut keys are the UNIX variant (i.e. Control-A to select all as opposed to Command-A)<BR>
Evolution program window does not respond to application switching (you have to minimize other applications to get to the Evolution program window)<BR>
Despite it's current limitations, Evolution could fill a niche where some of it's features are needed to overcome other email application or operating system shortcomings (such as a Mac client for Microsoft Exchange). Also I don't have a 10.4 machine so I have no idea if it works under Tiger.<BR>
Timothy Boyden<BR>
MIT Department of Facilities<BR>
IT Support & Training Group