[Macpartners] online network backup for Mac?

Ted Baker tedbaker at mit.edu
Mon Jun 21 08:54:26 EDT 2010

Hi Alex

MacWorld did a very thorough review of online backup services a while ago.


It goes over the pros and cons and pricing of each one.

Good luck


>Does anyone have any experience with online, automatic network backup
>services for Macs like Carbonite or Mozy? This would be for a personally
>owned machine by someone who is not technically inclined, so I'm looking
>for something easy to use that can be fully automated. Something
>conceptually similar to TSM would do (the machine isn't eligible for a
>TSM account).
>The machine is an older Power Mac and I believe Carbonite won't run on
>it. A local backup to USB drive is not what is wanted, nor something
>like Dropbox or Wuala- I'm looking for a complete, remote system backup.
>I'm most interested in a company that offers a flat rate for unlimited
>backups. Helpful phone tech support would be a big plus. I've heard
>there are other services for Macs but don't know anything about them...
>                                    Thanks in advance,
>                                             Alex

Ted Baker
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
NW 16-234
167 Albany Street
Cambridge, MA 02139

Tel: 617-252-1795
Fax: 617-253-5805

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