[Macpartners] IS&T Software Update for March 2008

Deb Bowser bowser at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 31 08:06:15 EDT 2008

This monthly communication is intended for Faculty, Staff and  
Students within the MIT Community, to provide updated information  
regarding new and upcoming software products and services.

Topics of the month:
1. Recent releases
2. Software release projects underway
3. What's new
4. Volume & site license software update
5. Windows automatic update service (WAUS)
6. How are we doing?

1. Recent Releases
Blackberry 8830 World Edition - March 26, 2008
Excel 2007 (Win) Analysis ToolPak Hotfix - March 25, 2008
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard )- March 13, 2008
OpenAFS 1.4.6 (RHEL 5) - March 25, 2008
TSM 5.5 for Mac OS X (Leopard) - March 13, 2008

For more information on recent releases, please visit:


2. Software Release Projects Underway
Office 2008 for the Mac, VMware Workstation for Windows and Linux and  
VMware Fusion for the Mac are a sample of projects currently  
underway.  For more information on these and other software release  
projects underway, please visit:


3. What's New
In response to user suggestions, we've added a supported OS and  
posted date field to each download on the Windows and Macintosh  
software download pages.  This information will hopefully make it  
easier to find software and updates that are appropriate for your  


4. Volume & Site License Software Update
SPSS for Windows is now available through VSLS.  IS&T has negotiated  
an SPSS license on behalf of MIT to simplify the process for  
departments licensing SPSS as well as to save MIT money. Annual SPSS  
licenses, which include Base, Advanced, Regression, Tables, Trends  
and Categories, are available to MIT faculty and staff as either an  
individual license at $300/license or as a department wide license at  
$6,000/DLC. For more information or to order a license, follow the  
SPSS link at:


5.  Windows Automatic Update Service (WAUS)
IS&T recommends users configure their Windows machines to use MIT's  
Windows Automatic Update Service (WAUS) for critical patches and  
service pack deployment.

For additional information including instructions on how to configure  
your machine to subscribe to WAUS, please visit:


6. How are we doing? - Let us know
Do you find this communication helpful?  Are there other items of  
interest you would like to see included as well?  Please take a  
moment to let us know:


Send email to <swrt at mit.edu> with any questions and comments you have  
pertaining to this communication or other software release matters.


Deb Bowser
Team Leader - Software Release Team
Client Support Services
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
bowser at mit.edu

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