[Macpartners] Premature Apple Mouse death

Helen Rose hrose at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 4 10:47:39 EDT 2006

Over the past few weeks, we've had a large(ish) number of Apple Pro  
Mouse units die. The symptoms are that the optical LED starts  
flickering and then conks out altogether. At that point we have to  
replace the unit.

All of the mice that have died are Apple Pro Mouse Model M5769 -  
BLACK in colour (the white ones are just fine, or at least are fine  
so far)! Overall, I'd estimate that we've probably lost about ten of  
them just in the past month. I've replaced most of them with the  
white Apple Pro Mouse, but some of them with the new Mighty Mouse.

Has anyone else seen a slew of suicides in black Apple Pro Mouse units?


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