[Macpartners] Personal Web Sharing under Panther (10.3.2)

Matthew Broman mbroman at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 22 12:58:30 EST 2004

Carolyn Fuller wrote:

> 1) If Apache finds an index.html in the directory, it will be used,  
> otherwise, it will use index.html.en. When I first upgraded to OS X, I  
> don't think this worked, but it works today.

Just out of curiosity, do you _need_ the index.html.en in there? If you 
don't have any use for the .en etc, you can just trash/move them and 
only keep your index.html file.

When I first set up Panther (and Jag) on this powerbook, I removed all 
the default pages from /Library/WebServer/Documents and put in an 
index.html file. Works like a champ, goes right for the index.html file.



Matthew Broman
IT Manager, MIT Police
mbroman at mit.edu
(617) 253 - 3093 desk
(617) 438 - 2818 cell

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