[Macpartners] panther: Oracle Calendar

Marshall Vale mjv at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 19 14:13:06 EST 2003

Hi Roger

>I had the same problem.  I just reinstalled Oracle Calendar and SASL and
>it worked.

With Oracle Calendar 9.x and the upgraded calendar server, you don't 
need the SASL libraries any more. The client and server now support 
GSSAPI/Kerberos v5 directly for authentication. The SASL libraries 
are only needed for Kerberos v4 authentication. GSSAPI/Kerberos v5 
authentication will provide for more reliable connectivity from 
behind NATs/home router boxes.

If you go to edit your TechTime settings, clicking on "Lookup" next 
to the server name will update the authentication settings. Then you 
should be able to select "gssapi:kerberos5" from the Authentication 
Method popup.


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