<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE></DIV><BR>Dear All,<BR><BR>Please write your senator in support of "Lebanese Temporary Protected<BR>Status Act of 2006" (Introduced in Senate) S 3765<BR><BR>109th CONGRESS<BR><BR>2d Session<BR><BR>S. 3765<BR>To designate Lebanon under section 244(b) of the Immigration and<BR>Naturalization Act to permit nationals of Lebanon to be granted temporary<BR>protected status in the United States.<BR><BR><BR>IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES<BR><BR>July 31, 2006<BR>Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. SUNUNU, Mr. FEINGOLD, and Ms. STABENOW)<BR>introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the<BR>Committee on the Judiciary<BR><BR><BR>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>----<BR><BR><BR>A BILL<BR>To designate Lebanon under section 244(b) of the Immigration and<BR>Naturalization Act to
permit nationals of Lebanon to be granted temporary<BR>protected status in the United States.<BR><BR><BR> Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United<BR>States of America in Congress assembled,<BR><BR>SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.<BR><BR> This Act may be cited as the `Lebanese Temporary Protected Status Act of<BR>2006'.<BR><BR>SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS.<BR><BR> It is the sense of Congress that, due to the hostilities in Lebanon,<BR>Lebanon qualifies for designation under subparagraphs (A) and (C) of section<BR>244(b)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1254a(b)(1)),<BR>pursuant to which Lebanese nationals would be eligible for temporary<BR>protected status in the United States.<BR><BR>SEC. 3. DESIGNATION FOR PURPOSES OF GRANTING TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS.<BR><BR> (a) Designation-<BR><BR> (1) IN GENERAL- For
purposes of section 244 of the Immigration and<BR>Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1254a), Lebanon shall be treated as if it had been<BR>designated under subsection (b) of that section, subject to the provisions<BR>of this section.<BR><BR> (2) PERIOD OF DESIGNATION- The initial period of the designation under<BR>paragraph (1) shall begin on the date of the enactment of this Act and shall<BR>remain in effect for 1 year.<BR><BR> (b) Aliens Eligible- An alien who is a national of Lebanon shall be deemed<BR>to satisfy the requirements of section 244(c)(1) of such Act only if the<BR>alien--<BR><BR> (1) has been continuously physically present in the United States since<BR>the date of the enactment of this Act;<BR><BR> (2) is admissible to the United States as an immigrant, except as<BR>otherwise provided under section 244(c)(2)(A) of such
Act;<BR><BR> (3) is not ineligible for temporary protected status under section<BR>244(c)(2)(B) of such Act; and<BR><BR> (4) registers for temporary protected status in a manner established by<BR>the Secretary of Homeland Security.<BR><BR> (c) Consent to Travel Abroad- The Secretary of Homeland Security shall<BR>give an alien granted temporary protected status pursuant to the designation<BR>made under subsection (a) prior consent to travel abroad under section<BR>244(f)(3) of such Act if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the<BR>Secretary that emergency and extenuating circumstances beyond the control of<BR>the alien require the alien to depart for a brief, temporary trip abroad. An<BR>alien returning to the United States in accordance with such an<BR>authorization shall be given the same treatment as any other returning alien<BR>provided temporary protected status under section 244 of such Act.<BR><BR><BR><BR>