_Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion (LEAD): Vol 14 No 5_<br><br>:: Live chat with Loss Pequeño Glazier about code as language and other topics.<br>:: Chat date: Tuesday, October 10.<br>:: 4 pm West Coast US / 7pm East Coast USA / 1 am Paris FR / 9am Melbourne AU
<br>:: LEAD is an open forum around the New Media Poetics special issue of Leonardo Electronic Almanac.<br><br>Chat instructions are here: <a href="http://www.leoalmanac.org/journal/Vol_14/lea_v14_n05-06/forum.asp">http://www.leoalmanac.org/journal/Vol_14/lea_v14_n05-06/forum.asp
</a>. PLEASE NOTE: The instructions are intended to apply to all jabber chat clients, but there may be some variation for individual clients. For example, some clients may require the chat room server "<a href="http://conference.jabber.org">
conference.jabber.org</a>" and others clients only "<a href="http://jabber.org">jabber.org</a>." Also, please refer to the link for a complete schedule of upcoming chats and for instructions on joining chats.
<br><br>Loss Pequeño Glazier is a poet, professor of Media Study, and founder and director of the Electronic Poetry Center (<a href="http://epc.buffalo.edu">http://epc.buffalo.edu</a>), the world's most extensive web-based digital poetry resource, housed in the Department of Media Study, State University of New York, Buffalo. He is the author of the digitally informed poetry collection _Anatman, Pumpkin Seed, Algorithm_ (Salt Publishing, 2003), several other books of poetry, and the award-winning _Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetries_ (University of Alabama Press, 2002).