<TITLE>Kerberos for Mac issues-</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana">Hello,<BR>
I have been playing with KfM for quite a while now and have not been able to load my realms as described in the online documentation.<BR>
I am using a PowerBook G3 Firewire 400 running Mac OS X 10.1.2.<BR>
The first issue I noticed was that when running the installer, the edu.mit.Kerberos file defaults to being a Microsoft Entourage Preference file. I also have Office X installed and running. I edited the file in BBEdit to only have my realms configuration information. I saved the file without changing the file type or creator. I have also saved it as a BBEdit file and a generic text file, but am still unable to Edit my Favorite realm.<BR>
When running the Kerberos application, I have tried to Edit My Favorite realm in the preference, but the only realm that is listed is the ATHENA.MIT.EDU realm. When selecting the “Edit My Favorites”, nothing happens. I have checked the preference file multiple times and am confused where the application is even getting the ATHENA realm from.<BR>
I assume all of my problems stem from not being able to load my realm correctly.<BR>
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.<BR>
Thank you,<BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE="Century Gothic">John W. Eschelbach<BR>
Department of Chemistry<BR>
University of North Carolina<BR>
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290<BR>
E-mail: jwe@unc.edu</FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana"> <BR>
<P>Sent using the Entourage X Test Drive.</P>