Fedora ticket cache location

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 11 10:27:59 EDT 2012

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> writes:

    Stephen> Well, we're also discussing the possibility of having a link (sym- or
    Stephen> hard-) between /run/user/<UID> and /run/user/<username>. Would that make
    Stephen> anything easier on you?

I don't speak for MIT. I sometimes contribute to MIt Kerberos and
maintain Kerberos for Debian. My main point here is that I think it
would be great if we had some clarity around what we wanted here.  I
think it would be desirable to have cross-distribution consistency for
example.  I think all the options I proposed are relatively easy.
Having a symlink to uid is interesting, although keep in mind that the
mapping from username to uid is not a bijection: multiple users with
different names can have the same uid. Obviously that's a special case,
but I'me certainly seen it done from time to time.

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