what is this list for?

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at cmu.edu
Wed May 14 12:26:46 EDT 2008

--On Tuesday, May 13, 2008 05:23:14 PM -0400 Jeffrey Altman 
<jaltman at secure-endpoints.com> wrote:

> krbdev is an MIT specific list.  kerberos is an agnostic list.
> I believe that developers should not be trained to develop to the
> MIT API.  I would not feel comfortable in this forum to answer
> questions with Heimdal, Sishi, or other Kerberos implementation
> specifics.

I'm inclined to agree -- this list is a fine place for issues related to 
developing MIT Kerberos, or for issues specific to the MIT API.  General 
questions should probably go to the kerberos list.


> The traffic on the kerberos list is not high enough to for
> dev questions to be lost there.   developers are end users of
> the Kerberos/GSS apis.

The traffic on the kerberos list is significantly higher than here.  I am 
subscribed to both lists.  I read this one very nearly every day, but I 
haven't had time to read kerberos at mit.edu for almost a year.

-- Jeff

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