concerns with ldap plugin and 1.5

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Sat Jun 3 14:18:49 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Rahul" == Rahul Srinivas <srahul at> writes:

    Rahul> Hi, Principals are created by default under the realm's
    Rahul> subtree (the 'subtree' argument to 'kdb5_ldap_util create')
    Rahul> as service principals.  This can be overridden by one of
    Rahul> the following database specific options in 'kadmin'
    Rahul> 1. userdn=<user_dn> : Specifies the user object with which
    Rahul> the Kerberos user principal is to be associated.
    Rahul> 2. containerdn=<container_dn> : Specifies the container
    Rahul> object under which the Kerberos service principal is to be
    Rahul> created.

OK, so if kdb5_util were made to have a clean enough interface so that
it didn't assume db2 and you tried loading a dump, it would work, you
would just get an ugly directory structure resulting.

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