Unable to have KDC use different enctype for session/service key

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 17 13:36:00 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Hornstein <kenh at cmf.nrl.navy.mil> writes:

    >> I suspect you will run into cases in 1.0.6 where clients or
    >> servers will fail even if you have a single des session key
    >> with a tripple des ticket.

    Ken> Hm, I haven't run into any such cases yet.  And we've been
    Ken> doing this in production coming up on a week now, and so far
    Ken> we have had no problems (at least, none I've gotten any
    Ken> reports of, or seen in any the logs).  That's with old
    Ken> clients getting and using 3DES TGTs and single-DES session
    Ken> keys.  So I think that it does work okay (which surprises me,
    Ken> but there you go).  If you know of a situation where it

OK, I'll go actually look at the repository
and see when things were unbroken.

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