[krbdev.mit.edu #7672] KDC can emit PREAUTH_REQUIRED error with useless hint list

Greg Hudson via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Tue Jul 2 15:04:08 EDT 2013

Right now if you set +requires_hwauth on a principal without setting up 
securid-sam2, the KDC will generate a PREAUTH_REQUIRED error with 
preauth types 133 and 136 ("here's a cookie" and "I support FAST").  
Older MIT krb5 clients will react to that by retransmitting the request 
until the loop count is exceeded; newer clients will notice that they 
could not generate any real preauthentication and fail with 

The KDC should notice that it failed to propose any real preauth mechs 
and should return a failure rather than a preauth-required error.  
There's a lot of latitude for producing better or worse error codes in 
different scenarios, but almost anything would be better than "please 
preauthenticate with one of the following 0 mechanisms:".

Right now this is a marginal concern because the hwauth bit is rarely 
used outside of MIT itself, and we don't yet have an admin-facing way to 
disable encrypted timestamp/challenge for a principal.  The problem will 
get worse if we implement a way to have principals with no long-term 
keys or actual per-principal preauth configuration.

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