[krbdev.mit.edu #7124] SVN Commit

Tom Yu via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Wed May 16 14:37:52 EDT 2012

In sn2princ, getaddrinfo without AI_ADDRCONFIG

When canonicalizing a principal, use AI_CANONNAME alone in the hint
flags for getaddrinfo, for two reasons.  First, it works around a gnu
libc bug where getaddrinfo does a PTR lookup for the canonical name
(we tried to work around this in r24977 bug the addition of
AI_ADDRCONFIG caused the same problem as the use of AF_INET).  Second,
an IPv4-only host should be able create a principal for an IPv6-only
host even if it can't contact the host.

This does result in extra AAAA queries in the common case (IPv4-only
host contacting IPv4-only service), which is unfortunate.  But we need
to leave that optimization up to the platform at this point.

(cherry picked from commit c3ab5fe0b01a68b14d5657740006488721b48b7b)

Author: Greg Hudson <ghudson at mit.edu>
Committer: Tom Yu <tlyu at mit.edu>
Commit: 57738b357e8b03bcb7af2f147c97cb84d0ce96e2
Branch: krb5-1.10
 src/lib/krb5/os/sn2princ.c |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

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