[krbdev.mit.edu #6561] No option to only build client and libs

Russ Allbery via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Sat Sep 12 14:27:48 EDT 2009

"ohnobinki at ohnopublishing.net via RT" <rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu> writes:

> The distribution's task of making certain features of your package
> optional is somewhat dependent on your buildsystem's support for such.
> If every single distribution which packages mit-krb5 has to generate and
> maintain its own patches to the mit-krb5 buildsystem to have conditional
> building support, effort is wasted. Also, if your buildsystem builds
> programs which the distribution isn't installed, the user has to wait
> for those portions to be built. Thus, I think the proper place to
> implement conditional building and installation is within your
> buildsystem.

I suspect this is a Gentoo-specific problem.  For Red Hat and Debian at
least, and I suspect for all distribution packaging that isn't based on
the end-user compiling their own version of the software, there's no need
to support building portions of the software.  Building Debian packages or
RPMs always builds all related packages, and then the user chooses which
of those to install.

Russ Allbery (rra at stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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