[krbdev.mit.edu #6431] SVN Commit

Greg Hudson via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri Mar 20 14:09:21 EDT 2009

Add disclaimers to the kadmin and kdb headers about the weaker
stability commitments we make for their APIs, and install them for the
benefit of users who can tolerate such instability.  (The kadmin
interface is the real goal here, but the kadmin header includes kdb.h
so we need to install both.)

Commit By: ghudson
Revision: 22112
Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/config/pre.in
U   trunk/src/include/Makefile.in
U   trunk/src/include/kdb.h
U   trunk/src/lib/kadm5/Makefile.in
U   trunk/src/lib/kadm5/admin.h

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