[krbdev.mit.edu #5712] Random issue reported by Kevin

Kevin Koch via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Thu Sep 6 10:42:30 EDT 2007

Today I see this behavior on XP:

Define two identities: one which can be used to connect to Athena and 
testprinc at SUCHDAMAGE.ORG (password foobarbaz).  Set testprinc to 
expire in 5 minutes and not be renewable.  Wait for it to expire.

Open the NIM GUI.  In the basic view, click the Identity column header 
to sort the real identity to the top of the list.  Close the GUI.

Open SecureCRT and connect to Athena.  It works.  Disconnect from 
Athena and close SecureCRT.

Open the NIM GUI, sort the Badic view identity list so that testprinc 
is at the top and close the GUI.

Open SecureCRT and connect to Athena.  I get a GSSAPI error.

Another clue?  The failure when testprinc is at the top of the Basic 
view identity list does not happen if the GUI is open.

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