[krbdev.mit.edu #3814] Important Information Regarding Your Barclays Account

Barclays Bank PLC via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Mon May 29 04:34:55 EDT 2006

<html><head><title>Barclays Personal Banking</title></head><link 
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="http://barclays.co.uk/css/group.css"> </head><body marginheight="0" 
marginwidth="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" 
leftmargin="0" bottommargin="0"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 
border="0" width="100%">  <tr><td><!-- Utility Navigation Bar --> 
</td></tr><tr><td><!-- Brand Box --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" 
cellspacing="0" id="BrandBox" width="100%">  <tr>    <td colspan="7" 
height="11"><img alt="" height="11" 
src="http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/brcimg/sp.gif" width="18"></td>  
</tr>    <tr>    <td width="18" height="44"><img alt="" 
src="http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/brcimg/sp.gif" width="18" 
height="44"></td>    <td><a 
alt="Link to Barclays.co.uk" border="0" height="29" width="168"></a></td>        
<td width="100%" colspan="2"> </td>            <td align="right" 
class="CopyLink"><img src="barclays_wordmarque_group.gif" alt="Barclays" 
border="0" height="1" width="1"></a></td>    <td class=""><img alt="" 
src="http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/brcimg/sp.gif" width="18"></td>  
</tr>    <tr>    <td colspan="7" height="11"><img alt="" height="11" 
src="http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/brcimg/sp.gif" width="18"></td>  
</tr>  <tr><td class="brandBorder" colspan="7"><img alt="" height="3" 
width="1"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table border="0" 
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="BreadCrumbArea" width="100%">  <tr>    
<td height="6" width="18"><img alt="" height="6" 
src="http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/brcimg/sp.gif" width="18"></td>  
</tr>  <tr>    <td>      <!-- Breadcrumb / login -->     
<!--htdig_noindex--><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left" 
border="0" width="750"><tr align="left" valign="top"><td height="11" 
width="18" align="left"><img 
src="http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/brcimg/sp.gif" width="18" 
height="10" alt=""></td><td height="11" width="504" 
class="breadcrumbJourney" align="left">   <span 

Dear Barclays Member: <br><br><br><br>It has come to our attention that 
your Barclays account information needs to be <br>updated as part of our 
continuing commitment to protect your account and to <br>reduce the 
instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes 
<br>out of your online experience and update your billing records you will 
not run into <br>any future problems with the online service. 
<br><br><br>However, failure to update your records will result in account 
suspension. <br>Please update your records on or before June 3, 2006. 
<br><br>Once you have updated your account records, your Barclays session 
will not be <br>interrupted and will continue as normal. <br><br>This 
email was sent by the Barclays server to verify your e-mail address. You 
must complete this process by clicking on the link below and entering your 
account information . This is done for your protection , because some of 
our members are no longer have access to their online access and we must 
verify it. To verify your e-mail address and access your bank account, 
<br><br><br>click on the link below:<br></span><font face="MS Sans Serif" 
color="#0000ff" size="3"><a 
Advisor<br><br>Barclays Bank PLC<br>2 Victoria Street <br>London <br>SW1H 
0ND <br>Live Support: (08457) 555 555</span>  </td><td align="right">      
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0" 
width="100%">        <tr>          <td noWrap align="right" valign="top">                
</td>        </tr>      </table>    </td><td valign="top" width="18"><img 
src="http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/brcimg/sp.gif" width="18" 
height="1" border="0" alt=""></td></tr><tr><td colspan="24" width="18><img 
src="http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/brcimg/sp.gif" width="18" 
height="24" alt=""></td></tr></table><!--/htdig_noindex-->    </td>  

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