[krbdev.mit.edu #3776] New Message From Online Banking

no-replay@downeysavings.com via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Sat May 20 00:32:54 EDT 2006

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<table width="451" height="76" border="0">
    <td bgcolor="#003366" width="492"><div align="center"><a href=""><img src="http://www.downeysavings.com/media/retail/top_logo.gif" border="0"></a> <br>   
    <td> <p align="center" class="style7"> 

      <p align="center" class="style7">Downey Savings


   -<strong> Unauthorized charge to your credit card</strong> <br>
      <p align="justify" class="style7">We recently reviewed your account, and we suspect an 
        unauthorized ATM based transaction on your account. Therefore 
        as a preventive measure we have temporary limited your access to sensitive Downey Savings features. To ensure that your account is not compromised please login to your 

 Downey Savings<a href=""> Online Banking</a>, verify your identify and your online accounts will be reactivated by our system.</p>            
      <p align="justify" class="style7"> SERVICE: 

 Downey Savings <a href="">Online Banking</a> and<a href=""> Bill Pay</a> services. </p>
      <p align="justify" class="style7">What you need to do: </p>
      <p align="justify" class="style7">- Go to: <a href="">https://www.downeysavings.com/</a><br>
  - Enter your user ID and Password (that you selected during the online enrollment process). <br>
  - Enter the requested information and your <a href="">Online Banking</a> and <a href="">Bill Pay</a> services will be reactivated. </p>
      <p align="justify" class="style7 style9"><FONT 
      color=#ff0000>Note: Downey Savings &amp; Loan customers are not held 
      liable for any fraudulent charges to their accounts</FONT>                 . </p>      
      <p align="left"> <span class="style8">**************************************************************************** <br>
 We are committed to delivering you a quality service that is reliable and highly secure. This email is one of many components designed to ensure your information is safeguarded at all times.<br>
    Please do not reply to this message. For any inquiries, contact Customer Service.</span><span class="style11"><br>
    <span class="style10"><br>
        Document Reference: (92051208). <br>
        <span class="style17"> </span> </span></span><br>
    </p>    </td>
    <td><div align="center"><span class="style11"><span class="style19"> ©&nbsp;2006 Downey Savings - All rights reserved - <a href=""><strong>PRIVACY STATEMENT </strong></a> - <a href="">Terms of Use </a> </span></span></div></td>

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