[krbdev.mit.edu #3456] 1.4.3 kdc fails with 1.2.8 client and des-cbc-crc:afs3 key
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Wed Feb 15 20:04:40 EST 2006
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Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 17:50:33 -0500
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>Submitter-Id: net
>Originator: Marcus Watts
University of Michigan
>Confidential: no
>Synopsis: 1.4.3 kdc fails with 1.2.8 client and des-cbc-crc:afs3 key
>Severity: serious
>Priority: high
>Category: krb5-kdc
>Class: sw-bug
>Release: 1.4.3
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The problem seems to be that 1.4.3 returns ETYPE_INFO and ETYPE_INFO2
PADATA in an AS-RESP. The old version only returns ETYPE_INFO for a
"preauth needed" error. 1.2.8 clients believe that ETYPE_INFO PADATA
supersedes AFS3_SALT PADATA, so when they see this in an AS-REQ, they
use the wrong string to key function and fail. Later clients see the
ETYPE_INFO2 data, and behave properly. The MIT 1.4.3 readme notes
the change, but fails to identify what it will break.
As-shipped MacOS 10.2.8 has similar behavior to 1.2.8 clients.
on kdc running 1.4.3:
cpw -e des-cbc-crc:afs3 SOME-PRINCIPAL
modprinc -requires_preauth SOME-PRINCIPAL
on krb5 1.2.8 client:
observe output like this:
aardvark$ ./kinit testviii at DOGS.UMICH.EDU
Password for testviii at DOGS.UMICH.EDU:
kinit(v5): Password incorrect while getting initial credentials
with a 1.4.2 kdc, the client works fine.
Apply this patch to kdc/kdc_preauth.c
This modifies etype_info handling to not return etype_info
in cases where the information would be just plain wrong
and confuses older clients (where s2k params would be returned).
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