[krbdev.mit.edu #2862] Memory leak in krb5-libs up to 1.3.6

Bojan Smojver via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Mon Jan 10 17:54:17 EST 2005

Quoting Tom Yu via RT <rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu>:

> Do the above errors occur when running with one of the 1.4 beta
> releases, or with the 1.3.6 release?

This is Fedora Core 3 1.3.6-2 RPM.

> Do the invalid free() and double-free errors occur when you change the
> code to not attempt to close an invalid ccache handle?

Well, this is not actually my code (I never call any krb5 functions from code).
It is whatever PostgreSQL 7.4.6 does when it closes the connection. So, I
honestly wouldn't know.

> Stack traces would be useful.

OK. I'll run the whole thing inside gdb and I'll also make sure I have debugging
symbols installed. This should give you a clearer picture where things are going
wrong. It may take a few days for me to do that due to some other stuff I'm
working on.


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