[krbdev.mit.edu #2338] krb5-doc

The RT System itself via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Thu Mar 4 05:38:15 EST 2004

>From haeberli at pb-d-128-141-38-31.cern.ch  Thu Mar  4 05:38:11 2004
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To: krb5-bugs at mit.edu
Subject: krb5-doc
From: christian.haeberli at cern.ch
Reply-To: christian.haeberli at cern.ch
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Date: Thu,  4 Mar 2004 11:36:23 +0100 (CET)

>Submitter-Id:	net
>Originator:	Christian Haeberli
	University of Bern, Switzerland
>Confidential:	no 
>Synopsis:	krb5-doc
>Severity:	non-critical 
>Priority:	low 
>Category:	krb5-doc 
>Class:		doc-bug 
>Release:	krb5-1.3.2
System: Linux pb-d-128-141-38-31 2.4.21-144-default #1 Fri Nov 14 00:01:36 UTC 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Architecture: i686

	In the Kerberos V5 installation guide section 4.2.2. the following thing is missing: if you want to use krb4, e.g. 
        kinit -4, you need to have the /etc/krb.conf file, as it looked like for krb4.

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