problems building kfw 2.6.5

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Tue May 13 11:29:25 EDT 2008

David Rosenstrauch wrote:
> Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>> David Rosenstrauch wrote:
>>> Hi.  Having trouble trying to build the old kfw 2.6.5, and running 
>>> into a few problems.  (I need to build against the older version since 
>>> I need to build for VC6.)
>> VC6 built applications can load DLLs produced with VS7 or VS8.
> Well ... sort of.  They can, but they're then dependent on the VC7 
> libraries (e.g., msvcr70.dll).  I'm trying to build it against VC6 so 
> that it'll only be dependent on that (e.g., MSVCP60.DLL).
_ftol2 is an private C Runtime Library function.  If it is unresolved 
the properly run time
libs are not being used.

__FUnloadDelayLoadedDLL is found in Delayimp.lib

Note that I consider the use of 2.6.5 at this point dangerous.  It is 
known to crash on Vista
and later OS releases or on any 64-bit platform.

Jeffrey Altman

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