How to build a 64 bit KfW?

Danny Mayer mayer at
Fri Jul 4 12:47:35 EDT 2008

Kevin Koch wrote:
> Is there anything more to it than installing VS2005 on a 64 bit Vista and
> building?

You mean apart from testing, debugging, etc? Unless kerberos is set up 
correctly in the first place you need to look at all of the interface 
variable types and find out whether they are passing the correctly sized 
variables. For public API's they need to be fixed size. Pointers are 
especially problematic if not handled correctly since they become 64-bit 
references rather than 32. time_t is another issue. VS2005 defaults to 
using 64-bit. I tripped over this immediately after installing it and 
rebuilding BIND9. That means find all of the uses of this type and 
deciding whether or not 32 or 64 bit is doable. 64-bit is preferred as 
2038 is fast approaching. There will be other similar issues.


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