[krbdev.mit.edu #5615] NIM Help needs feature explanations

Jeffrey Altman via RT kfw-bugs at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 2 14:58:49 EDT 2007

Kevin Koch via RT wrote:
> I didn't find an explanation of the squares, flags and tooltips in the 
> configuration tree view.  Are those standard or non-standard behaviors?

Multiple view option dialogs have traditionally hidden the change state
from the user and simply toggled the "Apply" button state.  This lack of
feedback can be very confusing to a user because once the user changes
to a new page the user can quickly forget what was or was not changed.
Does the user actually want to press that "Apply" button or should he
press "Cancel"?

The approach we used not only provides visual feedback to the user of
what was changed but it does so in a way that is self teaching.  if the
user toggles a setting the flag changes state.  If the user changes it
back the flag state is restored.  The tooltips also provide feedback
indicating the meaning of the flag.  I guess that is why I didn't feel
it was necessary to write a chapter on them.

There is a bug in the state maintenance.  When the Apply button is
pressed the "saved" values for the controls are not being updated.
We will submit a fix for that before the end of the week.

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