Certificate error

J.Witvliet@mindef.nl J.Witvliet at mindef.nl
Thu Feb 8 08:51:34 EST 2018

Hi all,

Excuse me, for perhaps posting a Noob question,
But learning curve is steep, and have no access to the server, to check what's going on there.

I'm trying a kinit, based on the credentials on my organisation's smartcard.
(with name & PWD, I did managed to get a ticket)

If I do the kinit in debug mode, the last lines are:
[2676] 1518080701.322521: Preauth module pkinit (17) (real) returned: -1765328314/unable to get local issuer certificate

[2676] 1518080701.322581: Retrying AS request with master KDC
[2676] 1518080701.322598: Getting initial credentials for u00m763 at MOD.NL<mailto:u00m763 at MOD.NL>
[2676] 1518080701.322720: Sending request (154 bytes) to MOD.NL (master)
kinit: Can't verify certificate while getting initial credentials

Am I correct, in assuming that at the side of the KDC the problem lies;
that the KDC is unable to retrieve the (sub-)CA's for validating my certificate?

Kind regards, Hans

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