remctl 3.2 documentation nit-pick on setting source IP address

Russ Allbery rra at
Wed Jul 18 16:22:43 EDT 2012

Jan-Piet Mens <jpmens.dns at> writes:

> The documentation of remctl (version 3.2) is not clear to me in regard
> to setting the source IP address of outgoing connections:

> remctl_set_source_ip(3) in doc/api/ specifies:

> 	"Call this function before remctl_open() if remctl client connections
> 	need to come from a specific source IP."

> whereas Python/README says:

> 	"This method must be called prior to calling open() and will affect all
> 	             ^^^^
> 	subsequent open() calls on the same object."

> Is it safe to assume that remctl_set_source_ip(3) speaks the truth --
> i.e. that setting the source IP address on outgoing connections is
> optional?

Yes, sorry.  You only need to call it if you want to set a source IP
address.  I'll fix the Python documentation; that was a mistaken attempt
to emphasize the fact that it will have no effect if called after open().

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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