CLIENT_NOT_FOUND reply to kinit a security vulnerability?

checker checker at
Sat Jun 18 04:29:38 EDT 2011

Hi, I'm new to using Kerberos and I'm definitely not a security expert, and I tried searching for this but it's pretty difficult since most of the hits are about people trying to get Kerberos working, so here goes...

If I do "kinit notauser" to my KDC, it replies instantly with:

> kinit: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials

If I "kinit realuser" then it replies by asking for the password as expected.

Doesn't this allow somebody to probe the KDC to find valid user names, which seems like a vulnerability?  Other programs like SSH don't give any information away on bad usernames so you can't probe for valid ones.  I thought this was a security best-practice, so I was suprised to find Kerberos doesn't do this.  Or, is there a setting somewhere?  Or, am I missing something?


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