gss_acquire_cred returns error on machine with the name different from principal name

Ken Raeburn raeburn at MIT.EDU
Thu May 4 20:03:10 EDT 2006

On May 3, 2006, at 15:47, sergey.klyushin at wrote:
> Hello.
> Could you help with the following issue with MIT Kerberos libraries  
> for
> Windows.

So, is the idea that you're going to keep posting this over and over  
again until someone answers?  That gets kind of annoying, especially  
when they're only spaced a little while apart.  (And many people are  
on both kerberos at mit and krbdev at mit, so when you send separately to  
each list, you're guaranteeing that they'll get two copies of your  

I'm happy to take a look when I get a chance (probably not today),  
but getting less inclined to help with every copy I receive... this  
is, what, four copies now, in the space of 24 hours?  Even if someone  
knows what the problem is likely to be, they may not get read your  
mail, much less reply to it, in the first few hours right after you  
post it.  More copies won't help.


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