Openssh, kerberos and Solaris 10

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Wed Aug 9 10:39:49 EDT 2006

P.S. I should say we are using the Solaris ssh and sshd, as well as
their pam_krb5. But there are issues with the pam_krb5 with using
session based caches rather then user, and updating of the TGT
but leaving older tickets in the cache.

Erich Weiler wrote:

> Hi all-
> I'm not sure this is the correct place to post about this but I'm 
> getting no response over an, if there is a more appropriate 
> place to post please let me know...  And the people at Sun scream at me 
> for even considering openssh when they supply their own version of SSH 
> which I'm not extremely fond of.
> Basically I'd like to compile OpenSSH with Kerberos support on Solaris 
> 10.  Solaris 10 comes with SEAM, Sun's port of MIT Kerberos.  SEAM works 
> great, no problem there.  My problem is:  Does anyone know how to 
> compile openssh on Solaris with native SEAM kerberos support?  There is 
> a --with-kerberos=/dir compile time option with openssh but Sun doesn't 
> seem the have a single "directory" that they keep their kerberos 
> libraries in...  Not even sure they have GSSAPI at all, maybe just GSS? 
>   Does anyone have any hints on this, or has anyone ever done it?  Or 
> maybe a better place to post?
> ciao, erich
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  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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