windows browsers send ntlm instead of kerberos tokens

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Fri Aug 26 11:10:45 EDT 2005

Julien ALLANOS wrote:

> Quoting Jeffrey Altman <jaltman2 at>:
>> Neither Internet Explorer nor FireFox 1.0 use KFW for their Kerberos
>> support.   If you want them to have Kerberos credentials, Windows must
>> obtain them for you when you login to Windows using an Active Directory
>> account.
>> Jeffrey Altman
> OK, but how can I be certain that Windows did really obtain the Kerberos
> credentials at login, that FF or IE might be able to use after?

Since you have MIT KFW installed you can list the contents of the
MSLSA ccache with

	klist -c MSLSA:

Otherwise, you can install one of the Microsoft tools such as
kerbtray.exe that are available from the Microsoft download web site.

Jeffrey Altman

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