kadmind reset

J Michael Mosley jmmosley at uncc.edu
Thu May 23 12:46:08 EDT 2002

Is there a way to cause kadmind to re-read the acl_file (kadm5.acl) after 
updating it?

 t appears that the only way to cause kadmind to notice the changes is to stop 
and restart it.  A quick glance at the source makes it appear that it used to 
respond to a SIGHUP but that doesn't appear to be the case now.

My KDC environment:
MIT K5 Release: 1.2.2
OS: Solaris 8


Mike Mosley  				Email: jmmosley at uncc.edu
Systems Software Developer 		Phone: (704) 687-3522
College of Engineering, UNC-Charlotte 	Fax: (704) 687-2352

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