[I-mobile-u] Notes for Con Call on 11-20-09

Michael R. Gettes gettes at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 20 14:13:35 EST 2009

Here are my notes... please check them.  I will be posting these to the iMobileU wiki in a couple of days time.  I could just post them and then participants can read and correct on the wiki.  Let me know your desire.

iMobileU Con Call - November 20, 2009 @ 1pm ET

Attendees:  Andrew Yu & Michael Gettes (MIT), 
Derek Morr (PSU), 
Drew Stevenson (UMN), 
John Pennypacker, Jed O'Connor, Birkin Diana (Brown)

Meeting held by conference call and simultaneously on UMN's adobe connect.  We shared iPhone and other simulators via screen sharing to see what people are working on. We also used the chat room to pass around web URLs and other info real time.

UMN, Drew Stevenson - UMN: has MIT Mobile Web running in dev environment.  Directory, Headlines, System Status, Emergency Info, Events Calendar (on top of Oracle WCM)
Future: My courses, tie into iTunesU, Parking
Have native iPhone app they have been working on

Andrew Yu, MIT: just released Mobile Web 2.0 on sourceforge.
Demonstrated Device Anywhere Studio (allows for various device
emulation).  Time purchased in $500 chunks per carrier and can
then test devices on that carrier - time paid in 6 minute (or
so) slots.

PSU, Derek Morr: still having issues with backend data sources.  data not in right format - like campus map is in PDF.  mapping team converting to a flash applet - but we all know how well flash works on mobile devs.  building codes are complicated.  different groups on campus use different coding systems.  so much for standards.  in process of cleaning up.  numerous public event calendars - trying to unify and get common format (RSS feeds).  Mobility is a high visibility (shiny object) to help drive clarifying all the data and infrastructure issues.  Hope to have a small site up soon.

some discussion around maps.  viewed m.wvu.edu and their mapping using google maps.

Brown, John Pennypacker: Dining services source for menu information and this is stored in excel spreadsheets - so brown has similar data sourcing issues as PSU.  Doing a lot of talking - getting people on board - data coming together.  Cross departmental, including library and PR folks.  Not yet an official project on anybody's docket of work.

bi-weekly con calls?  yes, every 2 weeks.  12-4-09 next call.  Andrew will be unavailable - call will be led by Michael Gettes and Drew Stevenson.

Next call - status from other institutions and
what work do people want to collaborate on?

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