<html><head></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">Dear GWAMIT Members,<br> <br>Dear Kate questions for the January edition are being accepted until Wednesday. See further details below. If you have any events or announcements to share with the GWAMIT membership, please email us at gwamit-<a href="mailto:sec@mit.edu">sec@mit.edu</a>.<br> <br><b>The GWAMIT Board</b><br>Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec@mit.edu<br>Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec@mit.edu<br>Visit us: http://gwamit.org<br> <br><b>========<br> IN BRIEF<br>========<br> <br>GWAMIT:</b><br>1. Submit Questions for “Dear Kate” (Respond by Wed. Jan. 15)<br><b> <br>MIT: </b><br>2. Gender Difference Study Seeking Graduate Student Participants (Recruiting now)<br>3. [GSC] Dissertation Bootcamp (Mon. Jan. 6 – Fri. Jan. 17)<br>4. Sloan Women in Management Conference 2014 – “Challenge Accepted” (Sat. Feb. 8, 8am-4:30pm)<br> <b><br>Outside MIT:</b><br>5. [MASS-AWIS] Health, Fitness & Wellness: Panel Tips and Techniques for Health in the New Year (Wed. Jan. 22, 6-9pm)<br>6. BOS Lady Project: Kick-off Event (Thurs. Jan. 23, 6:30-8:30pm)<br>7. Winter Xcelerate (Thurs. Jan. 23 – Fri. Jan. 24)<br>8. [HGWISE] Coffee Hour with Prof. Jenny Hoffman (Tues. Jan. 28, 4-5pm)<br> <br>To see more events beyond this week's digest visit http://bit.ly/gwamitevents and http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest<br> <br><b>====================<br>FULL ANNOUNCEMENTS<br>====================<br> <br>**********GWAMIT**********<br> <br><u>1. Submit Questions for “Dear Kate” (Respond by Wed. Jan. 15)<br></u>When: </b>Submit questions by Wednesday, January 15 for the January edition<br><b>Link for question submissions: </b>http://tinyurl.com/ah49j5b<br> <br>Please submit your questions for Dear Kate, the GWAMIT Mentoring Committee's advice blog. Each month, the GWAMIT mentors answers questions anonymously posed by students.<br> <br>The most recent edition can be found at: http://gwamit.blogspot.com/2013/12/dear-kate-december-2013-edition.html. Please submit your questions for this month's edition! They can be submitted at: http://tinyurl.com/ah49j5b<br> <br> <br><b>**********MIT**********<br> <br><u>2. Gender Difference Study Seeking Graduate Student Participants (Recruiting now)<br></u>Contact: </b>Kamilla Tekiela, ktekiela@mit.edu<br> <br>Two undergraduates are working to examine gender differences at MIT by writing a report on the status of female students on campus. They are looking to recruit graduate students to focus on the graduate student portion of the study. By the end of spring semester, they hope to construct a set of recommendations for the administration to promote gender equality based on the acquired data.<br> <br>If you are interested, please email ktekiela@mit.edu with a short description of why you want to join. Feel free to ask any questions regarding the project.<br> <br> <br><b><u>3. [GSC] Dissertation Bootcamp (Mon. Jan. 6 – Fri. Jan. 17)<br></u>When: </b>Monday, January 6 – Friday, January 17<br><b>Sign up: </b>http://bit.ly/DissertationBootcamp<br><b>Contact: </b>gsc-arc@mit.edu<br> <br>The GSC ARC committee is running a Dissertation Bootcamp from Jan 6th-17th. This program provides dedicated writing space to give you a quiet, reserved space to write your thesis.<br> <br>There is a $20 deposit -- refunded entirely if you complete the whole session signed up for. For those that also complete the program, each participant will also get an award. After you sign up, we'll e-mail you with more instructions.<br> <br> <br><b><u>4. Sloan Women in Management Conference 2014 – “Challenge Accepted” (Sat. Feb. 8, 8am-4:30pm)<br></u>When: </b>Saturday, February 8, 8am-4:30pm<br><b>Where:</b> MIT Media Lab, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge<br><b>Register:</b> http://bit.ly/SWIM2014<br><b>More info: </b>http://sloanwomeninmanagement2014conference.com/<br> <br>At different points in our lives and careers, we are faced with opportunities, setbacks, and difficult choices. The 2014 SWIM Conference, entitled “Challenge Accepted”, is about facing these events head-on — whether you hope to start your own business or join the C-Suite.<br> <br>We will hear from leaders across a variety of industries that have achieved success in often arduous environments. And many of us have our own challenges and opportunities on the horizon. This interactive forum will discuss how to approach each new opportunity and setback with confidence, forward-thinking, and trust in your abilities and networks.<br> <br> <br><b>**********Outside MIT**********<br></b> <br><b><u>5. [MASS-AWIS] Health, Fitness & Wellness: Panel Tips and Techniques for Health in the New Year (Wed. Jan. 22, 6-9pm)<br></u>When: </b>Wednesday, January 22, 6-9pm<br><b>Where: </b>Broad Institute Monadnock Room, 7 Cambridge Center, Cambridge<br><b>Register: </b>http://www.massawis.org/Jan2014event/HealthFitness&Wellness<br> <br>Tips and Techniques for Health in the New Year! Presentations include: No excuses! How to fit your workout into any schedule; A moment of mindfulness; K-2 – the missing vitamin? Important for teeth, bones, and heart; True or false? The stubborn myths of nutrition and fitness.<br> <br> <br><b><u>6. BOS Lady Project: Kick-off Event (Thurs. Jan. 23, 6:30-8:30pm)<br></u>When: </b>Thursday, January 23, 6:30-8:30pm<br><b>Where: </b>Workbar, 45 Prospect Street, Cambridge<br><b>Register: </b>http://bit.ly/BosLadyProject<br><b>More info: </b>http://www.bosladyproject.com/<br> <br>Calling all women in the Boston area who are doing amazing things (or have amazing potential) --- join us on Thursday, January 23rd from 6:30-8:30PM at Workbar Cambridge to kick-off the first of a series of events designed to connect, inspire, and showcase YOU!<br> <br>We'll have refreshments and plenty of time to mingle and network with fellow BOS Ladies. We'll start with a 3x3 - in which three local women of different backgrounds, industries and career levels share their story in three minutes.<br> <br> <br><b><u>7. Winter Xcelerate (Thurs. Jan. 23 – Fri. Jan. 24)<br></u>When: </b>Thursday, January 23 – Friday, January 24<br><b>Where:</b> Harvard i-Lab, Boston<br><b>Register: </b>http://bit.ly/WinterXcelerate<br> <br>Harvard College Venture Partners, in collaboration with Hack Harvard, presents Winter Xcelerate, a two day crash course in entrepreneurship. Learn from experienced industry professionals about developing your own business, writing a business plan, and venture capital.<br> <br><b><u>8. [HGWISE] Coffee Hour with Prof. Jenny Hoffman (Tues. Jan. 28, 4-5pm)<br></u>When: </b>Tuesday, January 28, 4-5pm<br><b>Where: </b>Lyman Laboratory Room 330, Harvard University, Cambridge<br><b>RSVP: </b>http://bit.ly/HGWISECoffee<br> <br>Join us for an informal coffee hour with Professor Jenny Hoffman from the department of physics! Jenny earned her B.A. in Physics from Harvard and her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Jenny is interested in how electrons behave within exotic materials. Her research team at Harvard has designed and constructed three low-temperature scanning probe microscopes to visualize and manipulate this behavior directly. Materials of particular interest include high temperature superconductors, topological insulators, and strongly correlated vanadates, all of which present deep physics questions as well as potential for novel applications.<br> <br>After returning to Harvard as a faculty member, Jenny has taught several undergraduate physics classes and won a number of teaching awards. She is also involved in science outreach: for example, she has taught cryogenics classes to K-5 students at Einstein’s Workshop, and mentored summer research projects for high school students. When Jenny is not doing science, she likes to run. Over the years, she and her husband Daniel have completed numerous ultra-marathons (including races as long as 100 miles). As a parent of three children, Jenny can also speak about maintaining work/family balance while pursuing a career in science.<br> <br>***************<br> <br>Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:<br>Visit us: http://gwamit.org<br>Blog: http://gwamit.blogspot.com<br>Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwamitweb<br>Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gwamit<br>GWAMIT Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitevents<br>GWAMIT Interest Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest<br>Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec@mit.edu<br> </body></html>