<html><head></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">Dear GWAMIT Members,<br> <br>The Fall 2013 GWAMIT Leadership Conference starts next week, and the GWAMIT Membership Survey is now open! See further details below. If you have any events or announcements to share with the GWAMIT membership, please email us at gwamit-<a href="mailto:sec@mit.edu">sec@mit.edu</a>.<br> <br><b>The GWAMIT Board<br></b>Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec@mit.edu<br>Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec@mit.edu<br>Visit us: http://gwamit.org<br> <br><b>========<br> IN BRIEF<br>========<br> <br>GWAMIT:</b><br><div>1. Win a $25 Amazon gift card or a $5 Flour gift card by taking the Membership Survey! (http://bit.ly/GWAMITSurvey) </div><div>2. Lean In Women of MIT (Mon. Oct. 28, 6:30-8:30pm)</div><div>3. Taking Back Halloween: An All Night Stand (Submit designs by Sun. Nov. 3)<br>4. Take the Wheel! The 2013 GWAMIT Fall Leadership Conference (Mon. Nov. 4 – Thurs. Nov. 14)<br> <br><b>MIT: <br></b>5. Meet the Artist: Nora Vrublevska's “Cambridge at Night” Photography Series Reception (Thurs. Nov. 7, 5-7pm)<br>6. MIT Women’s League Connections (Thurs. Nov. 14, 4-6pm)<br> <br><b>Outside MIT:<br></b>7. [HGWISE] Pumpkin Carving Social (Wed. Oct. 30, 5-7:30pm)<br>8. [SWE Boston] Assessing Your Worth: Salary Negotiations and the Gender Wage Gap (Wed. Oct. 30, 6-9pm)<br>9. Speak Up to Take Rape Culture Down (Sat. Nov. 2, 10am-5pm)<br>10. Anita Sarkeesian at Northeastern University (Tues. Nov. 5, 5:30pm)<br>11. [FILS] Propel Careers: Finance, Legal, and Operations Career Paths (Tues. Nov. 12, 5:30-8:30pm)<br>12. [MASS-AWIS] Using Volunteer Work to Enhance Professional Skills (Thurs. Nov. 14, 6-8:30pm)<br> <br>To see more events beyond this week's digest visit http://bit.ly/gwamitevents and http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest<br> <br><b>====================<br>FULL ANNOUNCEMENTS<br>====================<br> <br>**********GWAMIT**********</b><br><br><div><b><u>1. Win a $25 Amazon gift card or a $5 Flour gift card by taking the Membership Survey! (http://bit.ly/GWAMITSurvey)</u></b> </div><div><b>Where:</b> http://bit.ly/GWAMITSurvey</div><div><b>How Long: </b>Less than 10 minutes </div><div><b>Win! </b>Enter the raffle for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card or a $5 Flour gift card </div><div><br></div><div>The GWAMIT Executive Board invites you to take our 2013 Membership Survey. Your responses will help us shape GWAMIT initiatives, policies, events and event content for the next year. We would love to know your opinions! </div><div><br></div><div>After taking the survey, you may enter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card or $5 Flour gift card! Note that your email address will not be stored with your survey answers. All questions in this survey are optional. For support, please contact: gwamit-exec@mit.edu</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><b><u>2. Lean In Women of MIT (Mon. Oct. 28, 6:30-8:30pm)<br></u>When:</b> Monday, October 28, 6:30-8:30pm<br><b>Where:</b> 32-141<br><b>Register:</b> http://tinyurl.com/kwnoftl<br><b>More info:</b> gecd@mit.edu<br> <br>Tonight, there will be a nationwide college student conversation with Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook. Sheryl Sandberg, author of Lean In and COO of Facebook, and The Lean In Foundation are offering a college campus live-streaming event on October 28, 2013 where Sheryl will share her hopes for the next generation and answer students' questions. In her book Lean In, Sheryl examines why women's progress has stalled, explains the barriers that hold women back, and offers commonsense solutions that can help women achieve their full potential and all of us work together to create a level playing field.<br> <br>Why Should You Come? Break the silence, come talk openly about the challenges women face, work together with other women and men at MIT on this important issue, change the trajectory of women and create a better world for everyone.<br> <br>Register through Careerbridge: http://tinyurl.com/kwnoftl. Click on "more information" at the top, log in and search for event on calendar to register. This event is open to the entire MIT community: Undergraduates, Graduate students, Post Docs, Faculty and staff. Refreshments and food will be provided.<br> <br>Co-sponsored by: MIT Women's and Gender Studies, Graduate Women at MIT (GWAMIT), MIT Global Education & Career Development, Society of Women Engineers, MIT Women's League, Biogen Idec Women's Innovation Network and Bridgewater Associates<br> <br> <br><b><u>3. Taking Back Halloween: An All Night Stand (Submit designs by Sun. Nov. 3)<br></u>When:</b> Submit costume designs by Sunday, November 3<br><b>More info:</b> http://feministhalloween.tumblr.com/<br> <br>Don’t buy into racist, sexist, pre-packaged costumes. Design and submit your awesome progressive costume design to the internet-wide costume photo contest by Sunday, November 3.<br> <br>Photos will be showcased at http://feministhalloween.tumblr.com/. Top 5 costumes will be awarded $20 Amazon gift cards. Show off your awesome feminist costumes that do not appropriate cultures and are not racist or misogynistic. All genders are welcome to participate.<br> <br>Co-sponsored by: MIT End Violence, GWAMIT, MIT Women’s and Gender Studies, and MIT Stop Our Silence<br> <br> <br><b><u>4. Take the Wheel! The 2013 GWAMIT Fall Leadership Conference (Mon. Nov. 4 – Thurs. Nov. 14)<br></u>When:</b> Monday, November 4 – Thursday, November 14<br><b>Where: </b>MIT Campus<br><b>Schedule and RSVP: </b>http://gwamitlead2013.wordpress.com<br><b>Volunteer: </b>gwamit-leadership@mit.edu<br> <br>Graduate Women at MIT (GWAMIT) is pleased to present the annual GWAMIT Leadership Conference, to be held at MIT from November 4-14, 2013. This year's conference features an <a href="https://gwamitlead2013-openingkeynote.eventbrite.com/">opening keynote by Rachel Simmons</a> and a <a href="https://gwamitlead2013-closingkeynote.eventbrite.com/">closing keynote by Robin Chase</a>, along with other exciting events geared towards professional development of graduate women.<br> <br>Registration is now open! Come to any or all of our Leadership Conference events at no cost! Please refer to the <a href="http://gwamitlead2013.wordpress.com/">conference website</a> for details about the events and links for registration. If you would be able to help setup, cleanup or take photographs at an event, please email: gwamit-leadership@mit.edu.<br> <br>We look forward to seeing you there!<br>-The GWAMIT Fall Leadership Conference Planning Committee<br> <br> <br><b>**********MIT**********<br></b> <br><b><u>5. Meet the Artist: Nora Vrublevska's “Cambridge at Night” Photography Series Reception (Thurs. Nov. 7, 5-7pm)<br></u>When: </b>Thursday, November 7, 5-7pm<br><b>Where: </b>Wiesner Student Art Gallery, W20 2nd Floor<br> <br>Nora Vrublevska's Cambridge at Night series is a photographic exploration of the area around the MIT campus at night. Nora's long-exposure night photographs, created using black-and-white film over a period of two years, are now on display at the MIT Stratton Student Center, 2nd floor. The exhibit will run from October 15 to December 10, 2013.<br> <br>Please join us for artist's reception on Thursday, November 7th from 5-7pm at Wiesner Student Art Gallery. The exhibit is supported by MIT Student Art Association and MIT spouses&partners. More of Nora's work can be seen on her website www.noravrublevska.com and blog, blog.noravrublevska.com.<br> <br> <br><b><u>6. MIT Women’s League Connections (Thurs. Nov. 14, 4-6pm)<br></u>When: </b>Thursday, November 14, 4-6pm<br><b>Where: </b>10-340<br> <br>"Connections" can make your day end on a positive note! You never know who will attend these informal social gatherings. More often than not, our monthly Thursday afternoon get togethers introduce you to people you might otherwise never meet.<br> <br>These once-a-month events with coffee, tea, and sweets continue to offer a way for the League to welcome newcomers and stay in touch with friends during the academic year. Don't hesitate to bring a newcomer or colleague with you for conversation and camaraderie. Come when you can and stay for as long as you wish. We look forward to seeing you.<br> <br> <br><b>**********Outside MIT**********<br></b> <br><b><u>7. [HGWISE] Pumpkin Carving Social (Wed. Oct. 30, 5-7:30pm)<br></u>When: </b>Wednesday, October 30, 5-7:30pm<br><b>Where: </b>Dudley Private Dining Room, Harvard University<br><b>Register: </b>http://bit.ly/HGWISEPumpkinCarving<br> <br>Semester getting rough? Want to carve some exciting and new designs on a pumpkin? Come take a break and join us for our annual pumpkin carving social! We'll have snacks, treats, and cider to enjoy as well as cool pumpkin designs to trace and carving tools.<br> <br> <br><b><u>8. [SWE Boston] Assessing Your Worth: Salary Negotiations and the Gender Wage Gap (Wed. Oct. 30, 6-9pm)<br></u>When: </b>Wednesday, October 30, 6-9pm<br><b>Where: </b>Microsoft NERD Center, 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge<br><b>Register: </b>http://oct13wagepd.eventbrite.com/<br> <br>All interactions are basically negotiations. We negotiate for resources, time, goods and services, as well as, our compensation. Salary negotiations are challenging, especially for women. Women are less likely than men to ask for what they deserve. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) research shows that one year after college graduation, women earn just 80% of their male counterparts. Women must understand their value to the market, be capable of articulating this value to an employer and negotiate a fair and realistic compensation.<br> <br>This workshop will address how women can successfully negotiate their salaries and compensation based on their skills, accomplishments and talents in the workplace. Women will leave the interactive workshop with better tools and techniques to highlight their current and potential market value to employers and ultimately get the compensation they deserve. Dinner will be provided. Vegetarian options available.<br> <br> <br><b><u>9. Speak Up to Take Rape Culture Down (Sat. Nov. 2, 10am-5pm)<br></u>When: </b>Saturday, November 2, 10am-5pm<br><b>Where: </b>Emerson Hall, Room 105, 25 Quincy Street, Cambridge<br><b>Register: </b>http://www.123contactform.com/form-686782/Take-It-Down<br><b>More info: </b>takeitdown@futureswithoutviolence.org<br> <br>Speak Up to Take Rape Culture Down is a multi-college summit for students and allied professionals. The summit goals are to unite students across the borders of their institutions and speak up for change in all Massachusetts colleges and universities.<br> <br>This is an event you don’t want to miss so register early, seats are limited. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Alisha Benjamin at: takeitdown@futureswithoutviolence.org.<br> <br> <br><b><u>10. Anita Sarkeesian at Northeastern University (Tues. Nov. 5, 5:30pm)<br></u>When: </b>Tuesday, November 5, 5:30pm<br><b>Where: </b>Blackman Auditorium, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston<br><b>More info: </b>b.welles@neu.edu<br> <br>Anita Sarkeesian is a media critic and the creator of Feminist Frequency, a video web series that explores the representations of women in video games and pop culture narratives. Her work focuses on deconstructing the stereotypes and tropes associated with women in popular culture as well as highlighting issues surrounding the targeted harassment of women in online and gaming spaces. Recently, her critical reflections on how women are (mis)represented in video games, the focus of her new web series Women vs. Tropes in Video Games, have catalyzed conversations about women, game culture, and computing more broadly.<br> <br>This event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required. Presented by: Communication Studies with Game Design, Art + Design, Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, Northeastern Center for the Arts, and NU ADVANCE. See more at: http://www.northeastern.edu/camd/cfa/events/anita-sarkeesian/<br> <br> <br><b><u>11. [FILS] Propel Careers: Finance, Legal, and Operations Career Paths (Tues. Nov. 12, 5:30-8:30pm)<br></u>When: </b>Tuesday, November 12, 5:30-8:30pm<br><b>Where: </b>MassBio, 8th Floor, 300 Technology Square, Cambridge<br><b>Register: </b>http://fils112013-eorg.eventfizz.com/content/2191/fils112013-eorg<br> <br>Are you a current graduate student (MBA, MPH, JD, Eng, Ph.D., MD etc), post doctoral fellow, or medical resident, interested in learning about the variety of career paths that exist in the life sciences sector? Are you looking to learn more about what companies look for when hiring and developing talent for these areas and what growth opportunities exist for individuals who work in this area? If the answer to the above is yes, then join us this upcoming FILS event.<br> <br>The Futures in Life Science (FILS) Seminar Series is a year-long event series, created in 2011 by Propel Careers, MassBio, and the MassBioEd, to promote the variety of career paths ranging from research and development to marketing and commercialization that exist in the Massachusetts Life Science Industry for individuals with graduate degrees. We believe that the career paths that exist in the Massachusetts Life Science Industry are numerous, exciting, and rewarding and that it is imperative that students considering these careers be well informed regarding the areas that their education and training are relevant.<br> <br> <br><b><u>12. [MASS-AWIS] Using Volunteer Work to Enhance Professional Skills (Thurs. Nov. 14, 6-8:30pm)<br></u>When: </b>Thursday, November 14, 6-8:30pm<br><b>Where: </b>Bldg. 46, Room 3310, MIT Campus<br><b>RSVP: </b>http://bit.ly/AWISVolunteer<br> <br>Please join MASS AWIS as we acknowledge the hard work and contribution of all of our volunteers. Also learn about what volunteering can do for you and what volunteer opportunities are available within MASS AWIS.<br> <br>Speaker Daphne Durham’s 10-year career in The Junior League (JL) of Boston includes service as Director of Strategic Management & Planning and on Foster Care Review, Project Reach, Community Council, Duffle Bag Drive, Campus Connections and the Ball Committee. Daphne has enjoyed a varied career in International Education, working at Valdosta State University, the University of Georgia, Harvard University and Suffolk University. She is very excited to bring her management and leadership development experience with NAFSA: Association of International Educators to JL Boston’s Nominating Council.<br> <br>***************<br> <br>Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:<br>Visit us: http://gwamit.org<br>Blog: http://gwamit.blogspot.com<br>Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwamitweb<br>Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gwamit<br>GWAMIT Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitevents<br>GWAMIT Interest Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest<br>Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec@mit.edu</div></div></body></html>