Dear GWAMIT Members,<br><br>Join a GWAMIT committee! The OWWL, Leadership Conference, and Mentoring Program committees are currently recruiting. See details below. If you have any events or announcements to share with the GWAMIT membership, please email us at <a href=""></a>.<br>
<br><b>The GWAMIT Board<br></b>Send your ideas to: <a href=""></a><br>Send your announcements to: <a href=""></a><br>Visit us: <a href=""></a><br>
<br><b>========<br> IN BRIEF<br>========<br><br>GWAMIT:</b><br>1. Apply to be a GWAMIT Committee Co-Chair (OWWL and Leadership Conference Positions Open, Deadline to Apply: Thurs. May 9)<br>2. Join the GWAMIT Mentoring Program Committee (Recruiting Now)<br>
<br><b>MIT: <br></b>3. [SAAM] April Tabling (Tuesdays in April, 11am-1pm and 4:30-6:30pm)<br>4. Writing Center Workshop (Tuesdays in April and May, 4-4:50pm)<br><br><b>Outside MIT:<br></b>5. Women 2.0 Founder Friday (Fri. May 3, 6-9pm)<br>
6. [MASS-AWIS] The Craft of Scientific Presentations Workshop (Thurs. May 9, 6-8:30pm)<br>7. Women in Science and Engineering Computer Science Bootcamp (June 24-25, Register now)<br><br>To see more events beyond this week's digest visit <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a><br>
<br><b>====================<br>FULL ANNOUNCEMENTS<br>==================== <br><br>**********GWAMIT**********</b><br><br><b><u>1. Apply to be a GWAMIT Committee Co-Chair (OWWL and Leadership Conference Positions Open, Deadline to Apply: Thurs. May 9)<br>
</u>Apply:</b> <a href=""></a><br><br>Were you impressed with our Fall 2012 Leadership Conference and Spring 2013 Empowerment Conference? Do you want to get more involved with GWAMIT? Do you want more leadership experience to further your personal and professional development? Do you want to work with strong, motivated, and passionate women? Do you have an idea for a talk, panel, or workshop? If yes, you should join our OWWL or Leadership Conference Planning Committee.<br>
<br>We are currently accepting applications for: <br>- 2 Co-Chairs of OWWL (Orientation Women's Welcome Lunch), held in August 2013 <br>- 2 Co-Chairs of the Leadership Conference, held in October 2013 <br><br>Please apply online at <a href=""></a> and contact the GWAMIT Executive Board at <a href=""></a> if you have questions. We also encourage you to read more about previous leaders and events on our website: <a href=""></a>.<br>
<br><br><b><u>2. Join the GWAMIT Mentoring Program Committee (Recruiting Now)<br></u>Apply by contacting:</b> Ricarose (<a href=""></a>) or Xuwen (<a href=""></a>)<br>
<br>Interested in helping women graduate students connect to faculty and alumni mentors? Excited about applying your technical and organizing skills to creative projects? Come and join us at the Mentoring Program Committee!<br>
<br>What is the Mentoring Program? <br>- A yearlong program: we match mentors and mentees during the summer, and groups meet individually every month <br>- Events during the year: kick-off dinner, February social, spring reception, and more informal events during the summer<br>
<br>If you're interested or would like to know more details, please send an email to Ricarose <a href=""></a> or Xuwen <a href=""></a> as soon as possible. We are having monthly dinner meetings, and you're welcome to join! (Committee members get to choose their own mentors!)<br>
<br><br><b>**********MIT**********<br></b><br><b><u>3. [SAAM] April Tabling (Tuesdays 11am-1pm and 4:30-6:30pm)<br></u>When:</b> Tuesdays in April, 11am-1pm and 4:30-6:30pm<br><b>Where:</b> Lobby 10 (11am-1pm), Z Center Johnson Lobby (4:30-6:30pm)<br>
<b>Info: </b><a href=""></a><br><br>April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Stop by the SAAM table in Lobby 10 for information, materials and friendly faces every Tuesday between 11am – 1pm or the Johnson Lobby of the Z Center from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm, every Tuesday in April.<br>
<br>Drop by one of our tables to pick up information, talk to committee representatives, see the Clothesline Project, pick up a Sexual Assault Awareness Month event schedule, get a t-shirt, or send a friend a White Ribbon.<br>
<br><br><b><u>4. Writing Center Workshop (Tuesdays in April and May, 4-4:50pm)<br></u>When:</b> Tuesday, April 30; May 7, 14, and 21<br><b>Where:</b> 12-134<br><b>Register:</b> <a href=""></a><br>
<br>Writing your proposal? Planning your dissertation? Completing your dissertation? You don't need to go it alone! This writers' group will help you manage your time and stress as you write your proposal, plan and outline your dissertation, and complete it and journal articles. The group will discuss ways to work more effectively, prioritize, and use resources available at MIT. Check in on weekly goals, hear others' experiences, and decompress.<br>
<br>Cookies, tea, and hot water provided; Keurig coffee available for $.50. Bring your mug and favorite tea if you wish. Sponsored by the MIT Writing and Communication Center.<br><br><br><b>**********Outside MIT**********<br>
</b><br><b><u>5. Women 2.0 Founder Friday (Fri. May 3, 6-9pm)<br></u>When:</b> Friday, May 3, 6-9pm<br><b>Where:</b> TechStars, 6th Floor, 1 Cambridge Center, Cambridge<br><b>Register:</b> <a href=""></a><br>
<br>Founder Friday is open to aspiring and current entrepreneurs, technologists and investors and is free to those who attend (this is an open event for females and males) to network and connect.<br><br>Hosting this month’s Founder Friday Boston is Founder Katie Rae, Managing Director - TechStars Boston. Host introductions begin at 7:00 pm. Come hear her speak, share, and support the burgeoning female tech community!<br>
<br><br><b><u>6. [MASS-AWIS] The Craft of Scientific Presentations Workshop (Thurs. May 9, 6-8:30pm)<br></u>When:</b> Thursday, May 9, 6-8:30pm<br><b>Where:</b> MIT Bldg. 46, Picower Seminar Room 3310<br><b>Register:</b> <a href=""></a><br>
<br>Melissa Marshall is a crusader against bullet points and an evangelist for effective slide design. She is passionate about helping scientists and engineers give outstanding presentations because science not communicated is science not done. <br>
<br>She believes the future health, happiness, and safety of our world depends on the innovations of scientists and engineers and she wants to help them tell the story of their work. Wellcrafted presentations can be a catalyst for change. Visit Melissa’s website at <a href=""></a><br>
<br><br><b><u>7. Women in Science and Engineering Computer Science Bootcamp (June 24-25, Register now)<br></u>When:</b> Monday, June 24 – Tuesday, June 25<br><b>Where:</b> Microsoft Research, 1 Cambridge Center, Cambridge<br>
<b>Register:</b> <a href=""></a><br><br>Our goal is to help scientists and engineers become more productive by teaching them basic computing skills like program design, version control, testing, and task automation. In this two-day boot camp, short tutorials will alternate with hands-on practical exercises. Participants will be encouraged both to help one another, and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems during and between sessions. There will be online follow up sessions for 6 to 8 weeks extending the material from the boot camp.<br>
<br>This boot camp is open to female graduate students, post-docs, faculty members, staff scientists, or their equivalent in science, engineering, medicine, or a related field in academia, industry, or the public and non-profit sectors. Participants should have some prior experience with basic programming.<br>
<br><br>***************<br><br>Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:<br>Visit us: <a href=""></a><br>Blog: <a href=""></a><br>
Twitter: <a href=""></a><br>Facebook: <a href=""></a><br>GWAMIT Calendar: <a href=""></a><br>
GWAMIT Interest Calendar: <a href=""></a><br>Send your ideas to: <a href=""></a><br><br><div><br></div>