[GWAMIT] GW@MIT Newsletter, November 26th, 2019

GWAMIT gwamit at mit.edu
Tue Nov 26 11:46:59 EST 2019

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Events overview:
GW at MIT events:

  1.  NE GWiSE & GW at MIT Interactive Session with Dr. Rati Thanawala: “What are the levers for early career success in tech firms? How can women prepare while still in graduate school?” (Dec. 3rd)

2.     Ellen Swallow Richards Birthday Celebration (Dec. 8th)
Women-related events and opportunities:

3.     Navigating the Art and Science of Negotiation (Dec. 3rd)

4.     Mass AWIS Event: Experiencing Meditation as a Gateway to Enhancing Leadership (Dec. 3rd)

5.     End of Semester MLK Visiting Scholars Celebration (Dec. 4th)

6.     Challenges and opportunities to develop and sustain a diversified workforce (Dec. 5th)

7.     Career Possibilities: Business Development, Alliance Management, Innovation Licensing (Dec. 5th)

8.     Inspiring Change (Dec. 5th)

9.     GSC DEI Pizza Social (Dec. 10th)

10. WEST & Cooley Holiday Cocktail Party and Networking (Dec. 12th)

11.  Athena’s Corner

12. Seeking Master’s students in STEM for qualitative research project

13.  Graduate Community Fellow Position Open for Title IX & Bias Response Office (apply now!)

14.  Upcoming IAP Grad Workshops

15.  Upcoming GCWS Courses in Spring 2020

16.  Giving & Receiving Feedback (Mar. 3rd)

Did you know…?
A recent Harvard Business School study found that women who attend women’s conferences are twice as likely to get a promotion within a year and three times more likely to get a salary raise! Attendees also reported feeling “more optimistic about the future” and that they “feel more connected to others” after the conference. Read the report here<https://hbr.org/2018/02/do-womens-networking-events-move-the-needle-on-equality>.

[cid:image007.png at 01D5A44F.2984FA50]

1.    NE GWiSE & GW at MIT Interactive Session with Dr. Rati Thanawala: “What are the levers for early career success in tech firms? How can women prepare while still in graduate school?”

An interactive session with Dr. Rati Thanawala, Technology Executive & 2018 Harvard Advanced Leadership Fellow

When: Tuesday, December 3rd, 6pm to 8pm
Where: MIT Building 4 Room 149, Address: 182 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02142

Who: All MIT community members and NE GWiSE affiliates (Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis, Brown, Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, and Tufts) are welcome to attend.

Please Register/RSVP at https://bit.ly/2ClfXKY. Light dinner will be served!

Join NE GWiSE and GW at MIT for an interactive session with Dr. Thanawala where she'll discuss why “early” career success is particularly important for people of “difference” (eg. race + gender, LGBTQ). And, why it is important to prepare for the new situations that are critical in the workplace but which are typically not experienced in college; which (non-technical) skills, if honed, can have a big impact, and what self/mindsets allow new hires to create higher impact.

Dr. Thanawala spent 39 years in tech, the last 17 as VP at Bell Labs. She came to Harvard as a 2018 Advanced Leadership Fellow. Dr. Thanawala has a PhD in Computer Science (Yale) and has worked in many tech domains – R&D, product management, new product introduction, etc. She is now creating a Leadership Academy for Women of Color in Tech, which pilots in Boston in March 2020. The pilot is funded by the Melinda Gates Foundation, and is open to students from the 9 schools that are part of NE GWiSE.

[Rati Thanawala - Flyer final -Early career- NEGWISE event - Dec 3, 2019]

2.    Ellen Swallow Richards Birthday Celebration & AMITA Holiday Party

When: Sunday Dec 8th, 2-4PM

Location: The Bush Room, 10-105

RSVP: here<http://emclick.imodules.com/wf/click?upn=ocu-2FQ1QiMyqIyYO8ZH9-2Fs8j5qoY-2BaGmli-2F7iXydF9AAbkkxTAJHhEelEqJDDndUmHLwaDVO-2FytcOIiZbwRS459jtAeuoUG34pSTZzNPFMlv5E62aWR0xnngTsgt9FDrueqbwXXSOXaUnP1xMmHofMA-3D-3D_-2FkycDVumN7MGjB-2FPOeH1DMIUrsEyuQ6XsE8o-2F4ClIZMKCWZKl4JdmBeBbxjJupcbzjACtSlE0zG6GJ9vhq2Tx-2BSkUxEEkK4HGIb9QpZmf6Luvv4hGS63IfZMlSKv9w9MwI1Ol5hWjfVX4xcQCrG92fIyDdcCvrlVVPFJXip-2B5Q6Yp5bssejf9oyM8HoUowSNCFn39982szr7V8oJiSsXJSx4-2BTlFBfvrF0ccHOWtHeWRbCuBpaZB8k1Yxh60-2BPnWmkHXA-2FzoOpoCsp52bclgf8BN59q1Jb1ONbf9x57PvRZaHHMjeYyRkfVJc6iaF4P5KsSfniChmtOfD-2Bg-2FhgMGgJslkftJiOuVUxsU8b1Xnzi9AHo3Yt1Np-2F4B8ppSgdTxkDk40LZmcHB-2BA3EkNuQDy4DF6VQmu3uSTXQ8zQN3BOIbV8cFuBo20xd3-2Fr09aapmngtd4HlVwHSDX2cPp7PutHs-2FYs6E57k1a-2Fyikrs8bboOT8SozF2XaBwrCgereJEF>

You’re invited to join us in celebrating the legacy of Ellen Swallow Richards, the first woman admitted to MIT. Not only was she MIT’s first woman graduate, but she was also MIT’s first woman instructor. She was a pioneer in public health and environmental science, whose research helped set the first water-quality standards in the United States.

Every year, AMITA comes together with current students to honor Ellen Swallow Richards birthday (December 3rd, 1842) and celebrate the holiday season. This year, we are happy to be co-hosting the event with GWAMIT, Graduate Women at MIT.

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3.   Navigating the Art & Science of Negotiation

When: December 3rd, 8-9:30AM

Where: bluebird bio, 60 Binney St., 10th Floor, Aviary Room, Cambridge, MA 02142

Buy tickets: here<https://gw.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mcform&view=ngforms&id=2032977>

In our ever-changing, competitive world, it can be challenging to stay ahead of the curve and influence outcomes that set you (and your business) up for success. Negotiation is part of our everyday lives and shows up everywhere. In business, it’s a critical component to success.
While negotiation strategies seem simple, it’s not unusual for people to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and lose sight of the plan. This session will teach you the principles of negotiation and show you how to:

·        Effectively prepare for negotiation discussions

·        Build a strategy and leverage win-win solutions

·        Navigate the landscape of emotions

·        Close the deal


Treena Diebolt is the Senior Director, Global Talent Acquisition at bluebird bio. Treena drives overall strategy for bluebird’s global talent acquisition, focusing in on the areas of attracting and engaging world class talent, driving candidate experience, efficient operations and creating industry changing recruitment programs. Previously, Treena held the position of Senior Director, Global Talent Attraction at Indeed, the world’s #1 job site where she grew the company from ~1,000 employees to 9,700+ employees in 4 years.

8:00-8:15am: Registration, mingling, and light breakfast
8:15-9:15am: Workshop
9:15-9:30am: Wrap-up
Note: You must arrive before 8:30am to join the session.

Members: $5; Non-Members: $15

Given our mission is to promote women's development in STEM we would like to offer a one-time free spot in our workshops to those in transition between jobs. Please contact info at westorg.org if you qualify.

[2019-12-03 Flyer]

4.   Mass AWIS Event: Experiencing Meditation as a Gateway to Enhancing Leadership

When: December 3rd, 6-8PM

Where: 66-110 (25 Ames St.)

Register: here<https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07egpq3ieda4ee8622&oseq=&c=&ch=>

We possess everything we need to be the unique leader that each of us can be. However, in different times and circumstances, we may feel blocked/challenged and unable to bring our vision and inspiration forward. In this short workshop, we will experience a form of meditation which is aligned with how leaders work in the world. Leaders aspire to lead with their eyes open and with their awareness extended. This behavior cultivates the best outcome. While there are many definitions of leadership, in the end it is up to you to find your solution to the situation by listening to your truth and having the certainty to know what is right – a balance of inner clarity and outer confidence. The meditation practice presented here will address how to recognize and harness distraction, how to be simple and open to possibilities, and how to take action that brings beneficial results.
Carolyn L. Krusinski, PhD, Advisor for Enlightened Living LLC
Angeliki Rigos, PhD, Executive Director at MIT Tata Center for Technology and Design

[2019_12_03 MASS AWIS Experiencing Meditation Event Flyer]

5.  End of Semester MLK Visiting Scholars Celebration

When: Dec. 4th, 6-7:30PM

Where: Meadhall (4 Cambridge Center)

Register: here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/end-of-semester-mlk-scholar-community-celebration-tickets-82815835393>

Socialize with the MLK scholars over food and drink. With scholars ranging the gambit of fields from applied math to history, it is sure to be an educational and enlightening ​evening. Check out the bios for the two female MLK scholars, Tina Opie<https://www.babson.edu/academics/faculty/faculty-profiles/tina-opie.php> and Rhonda Williams<https://as.vanderbilt.edu/history/bio/rhonda-williams>, here<http://news.mit.edu/2019/dr-martin-luther-king-jr-visiting-professors-and-scholars-program-1008>.

6.  Challenges and opportunities to develop and sustain a diversified workforce

When: Dec. 5th, 3-5PM

Where: W20 Sala de Puerto Rico

Register: here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/challenges-and-good-practices-for-a-diverse-and-inspired-workforce-tickets-83338825671?aff=affiliate1>
Come listen and share your perspective with a line-up of amazing speakers, including a great panel of exec MBA fellows.
- Jennie Stephens, Director of Northeastern's School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Dean's Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy, forthcoming book "Diversifying Power: Why we need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership in Climate and Energy"
- Friedemann Pfeiffer, Head of Global FP&A at Aon
#cultural_integration #societal_norms #engaging_a_diverse_group_of_people #high-performing_teams #solving_complex_matters.
- Rao V. Mantri is Vice President and Global Head of Drug Product Science and Technology at Bristol-Myers Squibb.
#scientific_&_technical_organizations, #diversity #inclusion #driving_innovation. #gender_parity #eliminating_bias_in_recruitment, #advancement_processes.
- Denis Lussault, Balyo - VP Global Amazon Contract, and Advisor & Board Member for tech start-ups.
#start-ups  #multinational_corporations, #Engineering_and_Tech_world, #women #respect, #hiring_decisions, #salary_equity, #promotion, #behaviors_during_meetings
- Matthew Williams, Deputy Corporate Director, Information Warfare.
#Naval_Intelligence #critical_role #diversity #national security. #creative, #innovative, #avoid_groupthink
- Kristin S. Riley, Global Product Manager, IDEXX, moderator.
#operations, #R&D, #strategy #program_management. #innovative_initiatives_in_the_school system. #Women’s_Leadership_group #inclusion #belonging
- Engaging the audience: “Wall tagging” live experiment!
Full link to the Eventbrite event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/challenges-and-good-practices-for-a-diverse-and-inspired-workforce-tickets-83338825671?aff=affiliate1
Organizers: Gender gap group
Contact: Adele, MITsdm, cadario at mit.edu<mailto:Cadario at mit.edu>

7.  Career Possibilities: Business Development, Alliance Management, Innovation Licensing

When: December 5th, 6-8:30PM

Where: Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Cambridge, 300 Third St., Bella A, Cambridge, MA 02142

Buy tickets: here<https://www.westorg.org/2019-12-05-Career-Possibilities-Business-Networking>

In the world of business, careers are no longer linear or predictable. What was once a clearly sign-posted path as you progressed through milestones, a career road map is now circuitous presenting new challenges and opportunities at every bend. Life-long careers in one sector or one company are becoming a rarity as new technologies and shifting social norms disrupt traditional careers. Both employers and employees are seeking more diversity of experience, lifestyle flexibility and alternative paths. This panel is designed to help you think about your career path and the different options that are open to you. The panel will have an informational interview type feel with panelists sharing their career paths, a look at what their job entails, transferrable skills for those looking to make a change, tips for uncovering opportunities, advice for others, and how to make brave leaps. Then you will get some small group time with the panelists during a few speed networking rounds. The panel portion will be moderated by Yelena Wetherill, Associate Director, Alliance Management, Business Development & Licensing at Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc.

Panelists Include
Aimee Cardwell, Vice President of Consumer Product Development, American Express

·        Chesley M. Chen, entrepreneur, Chief Executive Officer, and Board Member

·        Tatiana Demidova-Rice, Manager, Research Contracts and Collaborations, Vertex Pharmaceuticals

·        Cecilia Fernandez, Senior Director, Platform Strategy and Operations at Editas Medicine

·        Jessica Goodman, Senior Director, Alliance Management, Dicerna Pharmaceuticals

·        Anne-Laure Grillot, Senior Director, External Innovation, Business Development at Vertex Pharmaceuticals

·        Bahar Hila, Director of Research, Radius Health, Inc.

·        Deborah Palestrant, Partner, Head of 4:59 at 5AM Ventures

Cost: $15 for members; $40 for non-members

[2019-12-05 Flyer Final]

8.  Inspiring Change

When: Dec. 5th, 4-6PM

Where: Sloan MIT

Contact: arnaluna at mit.edu<mailto:arnaluna at mit.edu>

Inspiring Change: hearing advice from female tech industry leaders!

How to navigate the system as a leader, regardless of gender?

Communication as a key tool for inclusion and growth at any organization.

Contagious optimism and fun from success stories!

Share your expertise, your challenges and your learnings with this amazing community!

9.  GSC DEI Pizza Social

When: Dec. 10th, 5-7PM

Where: 4-149

RSVP: here<https://forms.gle/MvCTKRZKWGGwEvFY8> (by Dec. 6th)

The Graduate Student Council Diversity Equity Inclusion Committee (DEI<https://gsc.mit.edu/committees/diversity/>) would like to invite you to our end-of-semester GSC DEI Pizza Social on Tuesday Dec. 10, 5-7pm in 4-149

Our committee aims to amplify the voices of, and advocate for, underrepresented groups in higher education. We hope you can come hang out and share your experiences and ideas!

·        Meet the GSC Department Diversity Conduits + other grad students engaged in diversity work across MIT

·        Learn about new initiatives and policy changes occurring in different departments

·        Pizza and beverages provided!

[Pizza Social]

10.      WEST & Cooley Holiday Cocktail Party and Networking

When: December 12th, 6-8:30PM

Where: Cooley, 500 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116

Buy tickets: here<https://www.westorg.org/2019-12-12-boston-networking-holiday-party>

WEST and Cooley invite you to a Holiday Cocktail Party for an evening of networking and festive food and drinks. Please join us to celebrate the holidays, connect with members, exchange ideas, learn about job openings and more. This event is free for members thanks to Cooley’s generous sponsorship.

Location: Cooley, 500 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116
Cost: $0 for members; $10 for non-members

[2019-12-12 Flyer]

11.       Athena’s Corner

A group of MBA students at Sloan recently launched a Slack Workspace called Athena’s Corner. Athena’s Corner is a workspace for women to share ideas, resources, and coalesce for action. We feel that there is value in improving communication and coordination among women and women’s groups at MIT, and we hope Athena’s Corner will be the first step towards capturing that value. Anyone with a mit.edu<http://mit.edu> email address interested in joining the conversation can sign up here<https://join.slack.com/t/athenascorner/shared_invite/enQtODIyNTIwNTc2MDMzLTFkYjNhNWE5NWM1YzRhMzk4ODkyYzVlZDkwOWE3OWNmMThkYzdmOTEzZmVmZDBjOTA1NmNjOWI4YjIzNzE1MDM>.  We’ve set up some initial channels to get things started, and we encourage all new members to join them:

  *   #food-for-thought: a place to share thought-provoking articles, books, movies, podcasts, etc. that may spark conversation
  *   #gender-bias: a channel for people to share stories of gender discrimination and discuss strategies to promote gender equity on campus
  *   #careers: a place for people to discuss job opportunities, interview and negotiation tactics, entrepreneurship resources, and the like
  *   #boston-events: a central list of events in the Boston area relevant to the Athena’s Corner mission that may interest you
  *   #womens-health: a chance to ask and answer questions about healthcare, self-care, and other topics related to women’s health
  *   #boston-beauty: a forum to ask about and recommend beauty services in the Boston area (hair & nail salons, brow spots, etc.)

This workspace relies on your participation, so we hope you will continue to interact and share your thoughts and ideas. We will also be posting regular prompts to encourage further discussion on the above channels. If you have any suggestions or ideas to improve Athena’s Corner, please also share them on #athenas-corner-feedback.

We look forward to reading your contributions!

[Athena's Corner]

12.      Seeking Master’s student in STEM for qualitative research project
Jamie is a junior in high school and as a part of a class, is completing a research study that involves interviewing female students currently pursuing a master's degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) field. If you are interested in participating please contact Jamie at: gonzalezjamie10 at gmail.com<mailto:gonzalezjamie10 at gmail.com>. Participants can be from anywhere across the world - for more info see attached flyer!

[PARTICIPATE IN a qualitative research]

13.      Graduate Community Fellow Position Open for Title IX & Bias Response Office
A job has just been posted for a revised Graduate Community Fellows<https://oge.mit.edu/community/gcf/> position with the Title IX & Bias Response office for the academic year. If you are a graduate student at MIT and are interested, please contact Jessica Landry<mailto:jlandry at mit.edu> in OGE to apply.
The position starts immediately, requires 10 hours per week, and pays $675 per month.

MIT’s Title IX & Bias Response Office (T9BR) strives to promote a living, working and learning environment where all members of our community can thrive, free from discrimination. The goal of T9BR Office’s prevention and education efforts is to present information in the clearest and most accessible way possible for the entire MIT community.
This fellow will support the Education Specialist in the office with overseeing, developing, and implementing training and education materials.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
- Develop script drafts for updated online training videos
- Manage and develop communication timelines for online training modules for undergraduate students
- Conduct gap analysis of current promotional materials and resources
- Support website content updating and upkeep
- Support the Title IX Student Advisory Committee meetings and subcommittees including meeting logistics, note taking, and recruitment.
- Support with ongoing projects (including data analysis and training development)
 Skills and qualifications:
- Strong organizational skills
- Detail-oriented
- Genuine interest in learning more about prevention education efforts
- Ability to work collaboratively and independently to meet deadlines
- Experience or Interest in designing materials in Canva
- Experience or Interest in maintaining the website through Drupal
- Interest and skills in data analysis

14.         IAP Grad Workshops on Engineering Leadership
Instructors: David Nino (dnino at mit.edu<https://owa.exchange.mit.edu/owa/14.3.339.0/scripts/premium/dnino@mit.edu>) and other GEL Graduate Program Instructors and Guests
Join us for these two workshops designed for MIT graduate students interested in “making a positive difference” in their chosen fields. Grounded in research but experiential and engaging in delivery, they will build practical skills that apply to engineering and technology environments.
The workshops will also provide a pre-view for graduate engineering students on how to earn a new Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program (GEL) certificate in engineering leadership, which will be based on the completion of our academic courses.  Doctoral engineering students can also learn how to combine our academic classes to satisfy minor requirements in selected graduate degree programs.
* Schedule:
Discovering and Developing Your Leadership Strengths
When: Monday, January 20th, 12:30pm-3:30pm
Room: TBD
Register: Email Lisa Stagnone (lstag at mit.edu<mailto:lstag at mit.edu>)
In this first session, you will learn how to discover your leadership strengths and invent career pathways for putting them to work.
Attendees will learn to:

  *   Discover your distinctive professional strengths.
  *   Identify work environments that can bring out your best.
  *   Explore strategies for securing jobs that align with your life aspirations.
Mastering Constructive Conflict
When: Wednesday, January 22nd, 12:30pm-3:30pm
Room: TBD
Register: Email Lisa Stagnone (lstag at mit.edu<mailto:lstag at mit.edu>)
In a safe and open environment, conflict can serve an essential role in building collective capacity for creativity, innovation, and group learning. Learn how conflict can achieve these constructive outcomes.
Attendees will learn to:

  *   Assess your own personal preferences for conflict.
  *   Become a better problem solver in groups.
  *   Increase your ability to deliver and receive critical feedback.

See website<https://gelp.mit.edu/grad-students/grad-iap-workshops-2020> for additional details.

[cid:image017.png at 01D5A44F.2984FA50]

15.         Upcoming GCWS Courses in Spring 2020
[cid:image019.png at 01D5A44F.2984FA50]Women in South Asia: Religion, Gender, Culture, & Sexuality
Tuesdays, 3:00-6:00PM
Harleen Singh, Brandeis University
Ayesha Irani, UMass Boston
Learn more and apply<https://www.gcws.mit.edu/new-events/womensouthasia>
This course examines women in South Asian history through the intersections of women’s lives with religion, colonialism, and postcolonial culture. Using historical, literary, and anthropological lenses the course will consider how various institutions of authority—patriarchy, religion, and the state—have shaped and continue to reshape gender in South Asia, and how women, in turn, resisted, interpreted, and negotiated their position in society. Women continue to be a sign of South Asia’s “backwardness”, but serve simultaneously as a symbolic upon which ideas of modernity are debated. Thus, how women are imagined is often at the core of how nationhood is defined and desired in South Asia.
Adopting a chronological (ancient to modern South Asia) and theoretical approach built on examples from literature, film, religious scripture, theological commentaries, and colonial history, this course will explore the following themes: the representation of women in religious texts; the comparative constructions of women and their roles across South Asian cultural traditions; women and the cast system; the goddess traditions and the question of political and social empowerment; gender segregation; devotion and desire; conceptions of male honor and female chastity, with reference to bride-burning and prostitution; rites of passage, e.g. those relating to puberty, marriage, and widowhood; reformism in the colonial period and its impact on women; and women, nationalism, and fundamentalism.
[cid:image021.png at 01D5A44F.2984FA50]The Politics of Madness: Gender, Postcoloniality, and Psychiatry through Film and Theory
Thursdays 1:00-4:00PM
Emily Fox-Kales, Harvard
Emilie Diouf, Brandeis
Learn more and apply<https://www.gcws.mit.edu/new-events/politicsofmadness>
This course will bring together conceptual tools from postcolonial African literature and theory, clinical psychology, and feminist film studies. We will ask how diagnostic categories become gendered, and how women’s psychosexual development might be thought of in cross-and-trans-cultural terms. Specifically, by putting into dialogue media representations and scholarly analyses from two culture zones, the US and Africa, we will investigate the clinical issues surrounding trauma, spirit possession, hysteria, and body image disturbances as well as colonialism and its impact on African psychiatric discourse. Key questions we will address include: How does the practice of psychiatry in two different cultures both perpetuate and destabilize patriarchal narratives of the women’s psyche? And how might such interrogations in turn enable intersectional approaches to social policy and clinical practice? Our aim is to enable an interdisciplinary conversation about psychopathology in relationship to gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, diaspora, and postcoloniality.

16.         Giving & Receiving Feedback
When: March 3rd, 6-8:30PM
Where: Ginkgo Bioworks, 27 Drydock Avenue, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02210
Buy tickets: here<https://www.westorg.org/2020-03-03-giving-receiving-feedback>

Almost everyone struggles with giving and receiving feedback. Yet everyone struggles for different reasons:

·        For some people, resistance to receiving feedback is tied to a fear of being judged, making mistakes, or failing.

·        For others, offering feedback is associated with criticism.

·        There are also cultural differences that impact how comfortable you are in giving or receiving feedback.

·        Maybe for you, it’s simply that you haven’t learned the skills to make the process less stressful.

All of this means that learning how to give meaningful feedback, is not one-size-fits-all.

We’ll explore ways you can become more comfortable giving and asking for feedback. You’ll learn several simple, yet powerful, techniques to take the sting and awkwardness out of the feedback conversation. You’ll discover how to ask for and receive feedback in a way that feels natural to you.

For managers, you’ll learn questions you can ask your team, to help YOU become a better manager. For all participants, you’ll learn ways to offer feedback to your peers, and even your boss!

Participants will learn 4 basic steps to giving meaningful feedback in a way that feels safe for both the giver and receiver. You'll be able to apply these steps immediately, in your personal life, and in your career.

Cost: $15 for members; $40 for non-members

[cid:image022.png at 01D5A44F.2984FA50]<http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/gwamit>

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