[GWAMIT] GWAMIT Empowerment Conference 2017 NEXT WEEK!

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Sat Apr 8 19:02:11 EDT 2017

 GWAMIT Empowerment Conference 2017
GWAMIT Special Newsletter
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GWAMIT Empowerment Conference April 10 - 14, 2017
JOIN OUR KEYNOTE SPEECH BY Victoria Kennedy April 10th, 5:30 PM, Room
Check our events and schedules
Register Now <https://gwamitempowerment2017.wordpress.com/>
“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” -Virginia Woolf

It’s time for us to stop being anonymous. Graduate Women at MIT is hosting
our annual Spring Empowerment Conference April 10-14, 2017! This year, the
theme is “Be Bold, Be Heard”, and we’ll be hosting events centered around
helping you find and amplify your unique voice. Whether that’s about
improving your written communication, learning the best way to handle
confrontations or tricky conversations, or becoming more politically
involved – the world needs your voice, and we want to hear it.

Let's take a quick look at our events together:
*Keynote Speech by Victoria Kennedy*
When: Monday, April 10, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Where: MIT Building 32-141
RSVP: link
Victoria Reggie (Vicki) Kennedy is both an accomplished attorney and a
non-profit leader. She is senior counsel in the corporate and securities
practice group at Greenberg Traurig LLP, as well as President of the Board
and co-founder of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States
Senate, a non-partisan, non-profit organization in Boston that educates the
public about the unique role of the United States Senate in our democracy.
The Kennedy Institute has won international awards for its innovative and
interactive design and approach to encouraging participatory democracy,
invigorating civil discourse and inspiring the next generation of citizens
and leaders to engage in the civic life of their communities.
In addition to her law practice, board service and non-profit leadership
roles, Kennedy has been a leading voice on the empowerment of women and
girls in our society and is an advocate for expanding medical research and
for access to health care to all Americans.
*Solo Traveling 101: Panel*
When: Monday, April 10, 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Where: MIT Building W20-307
RSVP: link
Are you new to solo traveling? Have you always wanted to try it but have no
clue where to start or how to do it safely? Come listen to three amazing
professional female solo travelers talk about how they do it and how much
fun it is!
They’ll talk about how to choose your destination, which regions are great
for solo female travelers, best resources for flights, housing and
activities, how to find adventures off the beaten path while staying
(reasonably) safe, fun activities on your own, how to make friends or find
a community abroad, and more. Come with all of your solo travel questions!
*Effective Communication In Your Hardest Conversations - Workshop*
When: Tuesday, April 11, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Where: MIT Building W20-206
RSVP: link
Survey: link
Many graduate women at MIT have expressed concerns about talking to
friends, family members, co-workers and acquaintances about controversial
or taboo topics. This 2-hour workshop is intended to provide practical
advice on how to effectively communicate in the midst of some of the
hardest conversations we have.
Your input on this survey will help us to ensure that the workshop is both
relevant and engaging. Pleas fill it out ASAP! Responses will be shared
only in the aggregate and without attribution.
This workshop will be led by Stacy Heen Lennon. Stacy is a Consultant with
Triad Consulting Group. As a negotiation and conflict management trainer,
facilitator and coach with experience in Asia, the Middle East, Europe,
sub- Saharan Africa, and North America, Stacy’s work spans contexts from
supporting consensus building processes to using “sports diplomacy” to
foster warmer relations between the United States and Iran.
*A Seat at the Table: Understanding Identity, Intersectionality, and
When: Tuesday, April 11, 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Where: MIT Building W20-306
RSVP: link
The Women’s March that took place throughout the country in January taught
us about the power of unity. Over 200,000 women participated in the march
in Boston alone. There were many women, however, who felt the event was
more of a “White” Women’s March, meaning that the event did little to
acknowledge and uplift marginalized groups including racial minorities,
transgender women, and gender-nonconforming persons. The Women’s March
highlighted an important topic about women’s unity– we need to unify ALL
identities and we need to be allies for marginalized groups. In this
workshop, we aim to cover identity, intersectionality, and allyship through
interactive activities and discussions. By the end, we hope we can all
better understand our sisters (not just our cis-ters) and move forward
empowered and prepared to empower others. Presenters will be Tsehai Grell
(5th year PhD, Chemistry) and Candace Ross (2nd year PhD, Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science). This event is co-sponsored by the Black
Graduate Student Association.
*Workshop: Strategies for Managing (and Publishing) a Large Writing Project*
When: Wednesday, April 12, 10:45 AM – 12:30 PM
Where: MIT Building W20-306
RSVP: link
Just as large research projects often start with standard methods, so too
can large writing projects benefit from a goal, project design, incremental
steps, and knowledge of communication processes. In this 90-minute
workshop, participants will learn effective strategies for comfortably
managing a large project. Furthermore, tips on finding conferences and
submitting a proposal for a poster or panel presentation will be covered.
This workshop will be co-led by Amy Carleton, PhD and MIT lecturer in
communication, who teaches undergraduate classes in EECS, Mechanical
Engineering, and CMS/W. Her own research focuses on online collaborative
culture and the digital humanities. Jane Kokernak, also an MIT lecturer in
communication, teaches for the most part in Mechanical and Chemical
Engineering classes, and also has previous experience in NSE and Biology.
Her research interests include team communication for decision making.
Angie Locknar, MIT librarian, specializes in Mechanical Engineering and
Materials Science, and she also supports students, staff, and faculty
across the Institute.
*March for Science Poster Making*
When: Wednesday, April 12, 4:30PM - 6:00PM
Where: MIT Building 32-124
RSVP: link
The March for Science is taking place around the world on April 22, 2017,
where marchers will demonstrate their passion for science and their support
for policies based on scientific fact and supportive of scientific
research. If you’re planning to go (in DC, Boston, or elsewhere!), drop by
this poster making session. We’ll provide poster boards, markers, and
snacks. You’ll create a pithy sign and meet like-minded marchers that you
could meet up with the next weekend.
*“Improv” your boldness and communication skills*
When: Thursday, April 13th, 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Where: MIT Building W20-307
RSVP: link
Develop your communication skills in unexpected situations like a job
interview, presentation, or networking event.
RSVP for a highly interactive workshop to learn improvisational techniques
that will assist you in being bold in your communication. Engage with
fellow students in a supportive and fun environment to:
* Apply improv strategies to enhance communication skills individually and
in teams
* Develop comfort in unexpected situations
* Practice using your verbal, vocal, and visual channels of communication
Jake Livengood, PhD, is the Senior Assistant Director of Graduate Student
Career Services at MIT Career Services (Global Education and Career
Development). He is also a graduate of the Improv Asylum Training Center in
Boston. Jake has facilitated more than 30 improv workshops for a variety of
groups at MIT and beyond.
*Women in Comedy Night  at the Thirsty Ear*
When: Thursday, April 13th, 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Where: Thirsty Ear, Ashdown
RSVP: link
Join us for laughs, food, and drinks at the Thirsty Ear’s monthly Comedy
Night, this one with an all-woman lineup! The Thirsty is providing food,
and GWAMIT will be providing drink tickets for those who RSVP!

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