[GWAMIT] Announcements

GWAMIT gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Oct 25 17:18:26 EDT 2010

Dear GWAMIT Members,


Enjoy the Week!


The GWAMIT Board

Visit us at: http://gsc.mit.edu/gwamit

Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu

Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu







1. GWAMIT is Recruiting New Leaders!

2. Registration for the 2010 GWAMIT Leadership Conference is now open!



3. Join a sexual assault awareness focus group!

4. [Mon 10/25] Chicks Make Flicks: Play in the Gray (7 pm, 6-120)

5. [Tue 10/26] Global Pathways (12-1:30 pm, W20-306)

6 [Wed 10/27] Film: All The Ladies Say (7pm, 56 – 114)

7. [Wed 10/27] U.S. Interviewing for International Students (3-4pm, webinar)

8. [Wed 10/27] Women in Mathematics Lecture Series (5:30 PM, Bldg 2, Rm 135)

9. [Th 10/28] GWG Lunch (12 pm, 3-310)

10. [Fri 10/29] Feminist Sex 101. Got questions? We have answers. (5 - 6:30pm, 6 – 120)

11. [Sat 10/30] HallowMIT 2010 (3pm to 5pm, Stata Center, Bldg 32, 1st floor)


Outside MIT:

12. [Th 10/28] Women's Leadership Forum (12–5:30pm, Microsoft NERD, 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge)

13. [Th 10/28 – Fri 10/29] LEAD Symposium (Dartmouth College)








1. GWAMIT is Recruiting New Leaders!

Open positions include Co-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Publicity Coordinator. 

For descriptions of Officer responsibilities visit: http://gsc.mit.edu/gwamit/files/constitution.html#article2


For more information or to get involved, contact: gwamit-exec at mit.edu


2. Registration for the 2010 GWAMIT Leadership Conference is now open!

When: Monday, November 8 – Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where: Various

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/thegwamitleadershipconference/

RSVP: http://bit.ly/dtfDE0

Keynote – “Innovation Leadership”
When: Monday, November 8, 4-6 pm (Seating open at 3:45 pm)
Where:  Microsoft NERD, 1 Memorial Drive (Next to E60)
Speaker: Dr. Sophie Vandebroek, CTO of Xerox and President of the Xerox Innovation Group, with opening remarks by MIT President, Dr. Susan Hockfield. 
Dr. Vandebroek will reveal her personal recipe for successful innovation, discuss specific issues women innovators face in the technology industry and offer suggestions on how to overcome them. Networking reception with refreshments and hors d’oeuvres from 5-6 pm. 
Negotiation Seminar – “How to Get What You Want!” 
When: Tuesday, November 9, 5-6:30 pm
Where: 56-114
Speaker: Dr. Deborah Kolb, author of "Her Place at the Table," and expert on gender issues in negotiation and leadership. 
Learn the importance of negotiating and advocating for yourself. Learn how to ask for the mentors, support, resources, assignments, and promotions you want and deserve!
Assertive Communication Workshop 
When: Wednesday, November 10, 10:30 am-12 pm
Where: 68-181
Speaker: Prof. Roberta Pittore, M.B.A.  
RSVP Required: http://bit.ly/dtfDE0
Learn how to speak up and express your point of view in a way that gets heard! In this workshop, you will practice advocating for yourself and your work, and thus become more visible and able to seize opportunities.  This interactive workshop will help you differentiate between passive and assertive communication, and give you techniques for dealing with aggressive people.  
Dress for Success Workshop 
When: Wednesday, November 10, 3-4:30 pm
Where: Star Room, 32D-463 (4th floor of the Dreyfoos Wing of the Stata Center)
Speaker: Sheri Falk, designer, female entrepreneur, and owner of the BASIQUES store on Newbury St. 
Are you looking to update your student wardrobe for your future career?  Do you want to learn how to project a professional, yet fashionable, image that will be taken seriously?  Sheri Falk will teach you how to look and feel confident. This workshop will show you how to maximize the combinations of a few great pieces, how to fit and flatter your frame, and how to transition from day to night. Participants will receive a 10% discount on a future purchase from the BASIQUES store.
Personal Leadership Evaluation Workshop 

When: Wednesday, November 10, 6-8 pm (Dinner served at 5:30 pm)

Where: 6-104

Speakers: The MIT Leadership Evolution for Graduate Students (LEGS) Program

RSVP Required: http://bit.ly/dtfDE0

This workshop will help you better evaluate your personality traits and behavior in individual and group settings. The workshop is designed for both experienced and aspiring leaders. Participants will complete the DiSC self-assessment tool, followed by interpretation and discussion.  

Events Sponsored by: GWAMIT, GSC, ODGE GSLG, Microsoft, WGA3, the School of Engineering, and the School of Science.




3. Join a focus group, brainstorm programming with the Violence Prevention & Response Program in Community Wellness, including Sexual Assault Awareness Week!

Attention graduate women - your input is needed! 

Are you living in a single graduate residences?  Are you passionate about developing programming that addresses issues of violence, including sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, and harassment or stalking? 

If so, we would love to get your input in order to get a sense of what issues exist for this population, and what types of programming might be most effective.

Have you heard about VPR’s Sexual Assault Awareness Week/Month Activities for the spring?  Would you like to help shape programming or provide input to the existing planning committee?

If so, it would be great to have input on ideas for events, things that have and have not worked in the past, etc. Options include both informal input and formally joining the planning group. 

Contact: Kelley Adams, adam at med.mit.edu, Grant Coordinator/Health Educator for Violence Prevention & Response in Community Wellness


4. Chicks Make Flicks Presents: PLAY in the GRAYa film by Kaitlin Meelia

When: Monday, October 25th, 2010, 7pm

Where: 6 - 120, wheelchair accessibility available through the Infinite Corridor in Building 8 or through the ramp at Building 14.

Play in the Gray is a penetrating, and at times vulnerably raw, portrait of the work, art, and emotional lives of the members of All The Kings Men.

All The Kings Men is a drag and cabaret inspired theater troupe based out of Boston. The troupe intrigues— on stage they perform as old ladies or appear to be women dressed as men or men dressed as women. Their electrifying, award-winning show makes audiences laugh while also questioning themselves and the world. Behind the scenes, Katie, Maria, Julee, Karin, Jill and Leighsa, the members of All the Kings Men, practice hard, spend long hours on the road, and struggle to “make it”—they want All the Kings Men to be a household name.

Personally, they struggle to discover who they are, who they want to be, and who they are afraid of being. Play in the Gray travels with the troupe members as they visit their hometowns, have difficult conversations with family, work their day jobs, maintain relationships, and share their stories of personal struggle and identity.The troupe members challenge the notion of what it means to “be a man” or “be a woman”, shedding light on what happens when the answer is not that easy.

On its face, Play in the Gray is a simple dismantling of the “man-woman” binary that pervades popular culture. But this film is more than just an exploration of gender theory. Play in the Gray is a tiny, yet profoundly intimate, glimpse into the human experience. This film is about the complications of loving, being loved, getting hurt, suffering disappointment, questing for approval and being courageous.

Q&A with director to follow.

Free & open to the public.



When: Tuesday, October 26, 12pm to 1:30pm

Where: Student Center, Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)

Registration required at: http://bit.ly/bOolVn.

For more information: misti at mit.edu.

Lunch will be served.

* Translate your international experience to a global career.

* Get expert advice on resumes and interviewing.

* Learn how your international experience makes you stand out.

* Hear about international career paths from industry reps.

* Create an elevator pitch to sell your experience abroad.

Make the Leap!


6. b-girl Rokafella Film: All The Ladies Say - a history of b-girls in new york

When: Wednesday - October 27th, 2010, 7pm

Where: 56 – 114

Website: http://alltheladiessay.com/blog/

For more information: call x 36957

All The Ladies Say is a film that highlights the lives of six iconic female street dancers from San Jose, Atlanta, Miami and Chicago, who have carved a niche in the physically challenging, male dominated breakdance world. Discussions about motherhood, sexual tension, femininity versus masculinity and the rap industry/mainstream images are a few of the themes explored by the documentary’s main characters. International dancers not only make appearances but also add their two cents about life as a B Girl in the Hip-hop world.

Free & open to the public

Sponsored by: Dance at MIT, SLIPPAGE: Performance, Culture & Technology, Women's and Gender Studies and 21M.775.


7. U.S. Interviewing for International Students (webinar)

When: Wed, Oct. 27, 3-4pm

Advanced registration required at https://mitweb.webex.com/mitweb/onstage/g.php?d=310880987&t=a

Learn how to develop and enhance your interviewing skills by attending this workshop. Workshop will cover types of interview questions, appropriate dress, important tips to think about before, during and after the interview. This session will focus specifically on challenges many international students may face when interviewing in the US.

From GECD, Global Education and Career Development


8. Women in Mathematics Lecture Series

When: Wednesday October 27, 2010 at 5:30 PM

Where: MIT's Building 2, Room 135

Speaker: Amanda Folsom (Yale University)

Title: “Mock Theta Functions in Number Theory and Combinatorics: A

Legacy of Ramanujan”


9. GWG Lunch

When: Thursday, October 28th at noon

Where: Margaret Cheney Room (3-310)

We will provide you with some yummy food, the opportunity to connect with each other, and some festiveness for the upcoming holiday season.


10. Feminist Sex 101.  Got questions?  We have answers.

When: Friday - October 29, 2010, 5 - 6:30pm

Where: 6 – 120, wheelchair accessibility available through the Infinite Corridor in Building 8 or through the ramp at Building 14.

CALLING ALL sexually active, virgins, non-sexually active, asexuals, hyper-sexuals, metrosexuals, abstinents, heterosexuals, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, questioning, transgendered, cisgendered, young, old, in-between, curious, couples, singles, polyamorous, monogamous, friends with benefits, feminists, closeted feminists, curious about feminism,  jocks, goths, hippies, emos, indies, urbanites, skaters, preps, yuppies, nerds, gleeks and everyone in-between!

You can WIN raffle prizes to: AMC Loews, Babeland, JP Licks, Starbucks & Flour

Free!  Pizza dinner provided!

Sponsored by Women's and Gender Studies in collaboration with lbgt at MIT, Community Wellness @ MIT Medical, Residential Life's FSILG and Student Activities Office present.


11. HallowMIT 2010, The annual Halloween festival for MIT's families! 

When: Saturday, October 30, 3pm to 5pm

Where: Stata Center, Bldg 32, 1st floor

Open for FREE to all MIT community members - grad students, post-docs, faculty, staff - and their children

We have face painting, balloon twisting, caricatures, arts and crafts, pumpkin carving, food and candy, games, and lots more!

Performance by favorite children's singer Wayne Potash at 4pm

Costumes strongly encouraged!


******Outside MIT******

12. Women's Leadership Forum

When: Thursday, October 28, 2010, Noon–5:30pm (cocktail reception to follow)

Where: Microsoft New England R&D Center, One Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142

Website: http://microsoftcambridge.com/successfulyou/

Join MITX, the Microsoft New England R&D Center, top industry leaders and inspirational entrepreneurs in a half-day forum that will give you the tools you need to drive success in your career and life. Our first annual forum is designed for mid to senior level women interested in elevating their careers to the next level.

Students are encouraged to apply despite the fact that registration is quoted at $50, students can go for free by applying here:


Additionally, students can attend for FREE as a volunteer:

Volunteers are needed for everything from registration to sitting in on a session, to just being a general floater.

Besides free admission, the benefits of volunteering include:

- Access to high-level speakers including, Emily Nagle Green, CEO, The Yankee Group; Jennifer Chayes, Distinguished Scientist & Managing Director, Microsoft Research; Kiki Mills, President, Massachusetts Innovation Technology Exchange (MITX) and more. View full list of speaker line-up here: http://microsoftcambridge.com/successfulyou/speakers.html#fmills

- Free event gift bag

- Free lunch

- 1:1 mentoring opportunities

- Free women in tech t-shirt and other SWAG

Those interested in volunteering should contact: Leah Brunson at lbrunson at microsoft.com


13. LEAD Symposium

When: Oct 28-29

Where: Dartmouth College

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Joan Herbers, president of AWIS, Dr. Michele Cyr,

Dr. Susan Case, & Dr. Diana Bilimoria

Dartmouth College presents the first LEAD (Leadership, Equality, And Diversity) symposium this October 28-29th at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. The goal of this symposium is to provide an opportunity for students, postdoctoral fellows, employees, interns/residents, junior and senior faculty and community members to learn more about the current issues facing women in science and medicine. The symposium is free, and we encourage both men and women to attend.

The symposium will feature keynote speeches delivered by women from across the country, as well as career development and training workshops, Q&A, and breakout sessions with a variety of scientific professionals from Dartmouth, New England, and beyond.

Check out the website at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~leadsymposium10/ more information, including how to register for particular sessions, a finalized schedule, and specific locations for events.

Contact PhD/MD student Crissy Megli with any questions. Christina.J.Megli at dartmouth.edu
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