Hi Dorm Officers & Off-campus subcommittee,<br><br>The dance workshops for the GradGala are continuing this Sunday and next Sunday. These are the last chances for folks to get discounts to the GradGala as the other workshops (dining & dress) have both passed. Below is a blurb for you to pass on to your living groups, and attached is a flyer for this Sunday's Latin-themed dance workshop.
<br><br>FYI: the last day to purchase Gala tickets is April 29, and we're really starting to sell them fast, so don't forget to get your tickets, too!<br><br>shan<br><br><br>=================================================
<br><div id="mb_0"><div>GradGala Dance Workshops - sponsored by the MIT Ballroom Dance Team<br><br>2 workshops remaining!<br><br>**Sunday April 22, 1-3pm (Latin Theme)**
**Sunday April 29, 1-3pm**<br><br>Location: Student Center, Room 491<br><br>Refreshments provided, and all workshop attendees receive $5 discount
on GradGala ticket purchase (redeemable once for all dance workshops
attended).<br><br>Everyone's talking about GradGala! Shouldn't you be, too? Visit <a href="http://gsc.mit.edu/gradgala" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://gsc.mit.edu/gradgala
for information and tickets. Last day to purchase tickets is April 29,
2007. Spaces are filling up fast; get your ticket today!<br>==================================================</div></div>