// $Header: /home/cvsroot/omr/galib/ga/ga.h,v 1.1 2000/10/31 21:31:48 karlmac Exp $ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ga.h mbwall 28jul94 Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology all rights reserved Main header for the GAlibrary. This header is provided to make it easy to include GAlib components in your code. It includes all of the genetic algorithm classes as well as all of the genome classes (plus a bunch of comments giving an overview of the library). References to 'Goldberg's Book' are to David E Goldberg's book, and references to 'Numerical Recipes' are to the Numerical Recipes in C book. "Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning" Goldberg, David Edward, 1953- Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., (c) 1989 ISBN 0-201-15767-5 "Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing" Cambridge University Press, (c) 1988-1992 ISBN 0-521-43108-5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview of who does what in the GAlibrary -- see http://lancet.mit.edu/ga/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the library capabilities and which parts of the library are involved: Genetic Algorithm This object contains the operators and data needed to perform the optimization. There are a few basic GA implementations in the library, including the basic 'simple' genetic algorithm described by Goldberg, the 'steady-state' genetic algorithm, the 'incremental' genetic algorithm based on the Genitor model, and the 'parallel' genetic algorithm that uses multiple populations in parallel on a single CPU. The base GA object defines many of the parameters and statistics useful when running an experiment. It also defines the basic interface for most genetic algorithms. Genome The genome object contains the actual problem-specific data as well as the mapping from data-domain to problem-domain (by way of the objective functions All of the genomes are derived from a base genome class. The base genome class defines the interface used by genetic algorithms to modify the data. Any genome used in an experiment must be derived from the base genom class as well as a user-defined data type (or one of the sample types provided in GAlib). The library includes array, tree, list, and binary-string data types to use if you do not want to define your own. Population Each population contains a bunch of genomes. Populations know how to select genomes. They also have housekeeping routines such as replace, remove, and add. A population can be given some intelligence by using its evaluation member rather than evaluting each individual on its own. Selection Selection is implemented as a member function of the population object. Any GA simply calls the population's 'select' member to get the genome that it needs to work with. Crossover/Mating Crossover is implemented as a separate object. We have various crossover objects, each corresponding to a genome type. These could be templatized, but that wouldn't buy us much since the behaviour depends upon the data type anyway. Crossover is not a member function of the genomes. I fretted over how to do this properly and decided to keep crossover as an operator separate from the genomes. The other viable option was to make crossover a member function of the genomes, but then changing the crossover during the course of the evolution becomes more difficult. Also, it is easier to define asexual (or other non-standard mating schemes) with an operator that is not a member of the genome object. When you create a GA, you specify a genome (or population of genomes). The GA asks the genome how it mates, and the genome returns a pointer to its preferred crossover method. You can set the crossover explicitly on the GA if you prefer. Using this scheme we can assign default crossover operators so that you don't have to specify a crossover unless you want to. Each genome type must have a corresponding crossover operator defined that can operate on that data type. The genetic algorithms don't care about the specific crossover type - they call the mating methods based upon the high level interface definition. Mutation Mutation is defined at the genome level and is implemented as a member function of the base genome class. Each genome must define its own mutation method that will operate on its specific data type. Replacement strategies The replacement strategy defines how a child is inserted into a population. Replacement strategies include child-replaces-parent, child-replaces-worst, and child-replaces-random. These make sense only for GAs with overlapping populations. Convergence and completion The GA defines a 'done' member that calls a user-defineable completion function to determine whether or not the GA is finished. Built-in completion routines include population-converged, best-converged and number-of-generations. Fitness vs Objective Note the difference between fitness function and objective function. In this library, the objective function is user-defined and tells (on an arbitrary scale) how well a genome performs relative to other genomes. The fitness function, on the other hand, takes objective function scores and processes them to produce a number for each genome that represents its fitness for mating/selection. The selection strategies include roulette wheel, tournament, linear ranking, and stochastic sampling. See the selector headers for more details about each strategy and its implementation. Speciation is included as a type of selection. To use the speciating selector you must define a distance function. See the selector header for more details. Scaling methods are loosely coupled with the selection strategies. They include linear scaling, sigma truncation, and ranking. See the fitness headers for more details about how you can mix and match scaling methods with selection strategies. Elitism Elitism is optional. If you want the best of each generation to be carried over to the next generation, turn on the elitism. If not, turn it off. This only works with non-overlapping populations. Initialization Each genome has its own initialization operator. When a GA is initialized, it initializes its populations, which in turn tells each chromomosome to initialize itself. You can use the initialization method to bias an initial population. This can be done either at the population level by customizing the population's initialization operator or at the genome level by customizing the genome's initilizer. Default initializers are included for most genomes. See the documentation and genome headers for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic usage You create a GA by first instantiating the non-default parts that you want to use. For example, if you want a binary string genome with uniform crossover and roulette wheel selection, you would define an objective function, instantiate a genome, instantiate a uniform crossover operator, then instantiate the GA. Since the roulette wheel selector is the default, you do not need to instantiate one to use that method. In every case you MUST define an objective function and you MUST instantiate one copy of the genome type you want to use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _ga_ga_h_ #define _ga_ga_h_ // Make sure that we get the configuration into each of the galib components // that will be used. #include // These are the headers for all of the genetic algorithm classes. #include #include #include #include #ifndef NO_TEMPLATES #include #endif // Here we include the headers for all of the various genome types. We do // *not* include the headers for template specializations. This prevents // unnecessary instantiations of template objects. #include #include #include #include #ifndef NO_TEMPLATES #include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include #endif #endif