[BSO Friends] Berlioz, Saint-Saëns, MacMillan, Roussel, Thur 29 Nov

Tiankai Liu tiankai at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 23:41:40 EST 2012

Dear Friends of the Arts,

I hope everyone has had a restful and well digested Thanksgiving
break. This is short notice, but let's have another foodfest this
Thursday, November 29, when the BSO is playing Berlioz's Overture to
"Les Francs-juges," Saint-Saëns's Piano Concerto No. 5 "Egyptian,"
James MacMillan's "The Sacrifice: Three Interludes," and Suite No. 2
from Albert Roussel's "Bacchus et Ariane." RSVP for food here:


Food in 2-290 at 6pm.
Concert at 8pm.

(Just in case anyone hasn't gotten a college card ticket yet: This
year you have to buy them for $5 at MIT before you head over to
Symphony Hall. See our website
http://web.mit.edu/~tiankai/www/friends/ for details.)

Hope to see you soon,

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