Greetings, <br>
<font color="#000080"><x-tab>
</x-tab>Prof. Uri
Shamir</font>, CE'66, from Technion, will give a lecture in memory of his
doctoral supervisor, Prof. Donald Harleman, on<font color="#000080">
Friday, June 16 at 12:00 PM in Parsons Lab, MIT Room
48-316</font><font color="#0000FF"> </font>(an interactive campus map is
available at
<a href="http://whereis.mit.edu/" eudora="autourl">
http://whereis.mit.edu/</a>) . This lecture will reflect Prof. Shamir's
experiences over the past four decades managing sustainable resources for
the Israeli water sector and international waters. For more
information on Prof. Shamir's work, please visit this web site,
<a href="http://www.technion.ac.il/~cee/55-bottom.html" eudora="autourl">
http://www.technion.ac.il/~cee/55-bottom.html</a>. <br><br>
Please join the<font color="#800080">
</font><font color="#000080">reception afterwards in room
48-308</font>. The guest speaker is hosted by Prof. Rafael Bras,
and the event is sponsored by the Department of Civil and Environmental
<div align="center">
<img src="cid:" width=330 height=255 alt="[]">
<font size=4 color="#000080"><b>Water Resources Management: Theory and
</b></font><i>Lecture dedicated to the memory of Prof. Don
</sup></i><font color="#000080"> <br>
<b>Prof. Emeritus Uri Shamir<br>
</b></font><i>BSc – Technion, 1962; PhD – MIT, 1966<br>
<font color="#000080"><b>Abstract:</b></font> Water resources
management encompasses planning, design and operation of systems that
deliver water from diverse sources to a wide variety of users and uses,
through systems of natural components and man-made facilities. My work
over four decades has focused on development and application of models
that capture the salient features of these systems and are designed to
aid engineers, planners and decision makers in identifying and adopting
plans and policies for management of water resources systems that strike
a best-compromise among several objectives. The lecture will elucidate
this experience through selected cases of modeling and practice, ranging
from design and short-term operation of water distribution systems to
long-term planning of the Israeli water sector and to management of
international waters.<br>
<sup>1</sup> Prof. Don Harleman, who passed away on 28 September 2005,
was my PhD thesis supervisor. I owe to Don much of what I am as a
professional, and to Don and Marty Harleman for the warm embrace that
welcomed our family at MIT. <br><br>