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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 }
--></style><title>David Rose Lectureship features Dr. Mohamed
ElBaradei on N</title></head><body>
<div>Details about the lecture are available at the MIT NSE website:
<div><img src="cid:p06230905bf8d293c1570@[].1.0"></div>
<div> </div>
<div>Marie Tangney<br>
Laboratory for Energy and the Environment<br>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br>
77 Massachusetts Avenue<br>
Room E40-455<br>
Cambridge, MA 02139<br>
U. S. A.<br>
Phone:<x-tab> </x-tab>(617)258-8891<br>
Fax: <x-tab>
email:<x-tab> </x-tab>mtangney@mit.edu</div>