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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
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--></style><title>Energy Research Council sponsors energy colloquium
on Sept</title></head><body>
<div><font color="#000000">To all,</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">MIT's Energy Research Council is initiating
a series of energy colloquia that will be of interest to faculty,
staff and students across the campus. President Susan Hiockfield and
former Provost Robert Brown appointed the Energy Research Council
"to lead the planning for the initiative in energy-related research
and education--including developing a picture of the current state of
MIT energy-related research and expertise; developing a list of
promising science and engineering research areas that match global
needs and MIT capabilities; and recommending an organizational
structure that would facilitate work in these areas." (Tech
Talk, June 8, 2005) The series opens on September 22, 2005 with a
presentation by Dr. Steve Koonin, Chief Scientist of BP plc.
Dr. Koonin also has a distinguished academic background, including
nearly ten years as Cal Tech's provost. We invite you to join
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br>
<b>"Energy for the Coming Decades: Trends and
Dr. Steve Koonin, Chief Scientist, BP plc.<br>
</b><x-tab> </x-tab>Date:<x-tab>
</x-tab>Thursday, September 22, 2005<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>Time:<x-tab>
</x-tab>Refreshments at 3:30 pm<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Lecture at 4:00 pm</font><br>
<font color="#000000"></font></div>
</x-tab>Place:<x-tab> </x-tab>E25-111<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
* * * A reception will follow the lecture in Room E25-101 * * *<br>
Ensuring adequate energy supplies in an environmentally acceptable
manner is one of the most significant challenges facing society in the
coming decades. New technologies will play a central role in meeting
this challenge, albeit conditioned by the economic, social, and
political contexts in which they are developed and deployed. The
discussion will focus on, from the perspective of a global energy
company, the major forces shaping the World's energy future and the
technologies required to respond to them.<br>
After three decades serving on the Faculty and as Provost at the
California Institute of Technology, Steve Koonin joined BP plc. in
2004 as Chief Scientist. His appointment was seen as reinforcing BP's
shift in recent years toward a future characterized by alternative
energy technologies. Among Koonin's responsibilities at BP is
formulating the company's long-term technology strategy.<br>
Koonin received his B.S. in physics in 1972 at Caltech and his Ph.D.
in theoretical physics in 1975 at MIT, after which he joined the
Caltech faculty. His research interests have included global
environmental science, nuclear astrophysics and theoretical
nuclear,many-body, and computational physics. He remains engaged in a
programme of systematic observations of earthshine reflected from the
lunar surface to determine variations in the global albedo, an
important parameter of the climate system. In 1998, he received the
E.O. Lawrence Award in Physics from the Department of Energy
<i>Sponsored by the Energy Research Council and the Laboratory
for Energy and the Environment.</i></font><br>
<font color="#000000"><i></i></font></div>
<div>Marie Tangney<br>
Laboratory for Energy and the Environment<br>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br>
77 Massachusetts Avenue<br>
Room E40-455<br>
Cambridge, MA 02139<br>
U. S. A.<br>
Phone:<x-tab> </x-tab>(617)258-8891<br>
Fax: <x-tab>
email:<x-tab> </x-tab>mtangney@mit.edu</div>