l]. We not only had fun with a new (for some of us) word, but also helped Melanie. For example, Debbie Levey of civil and environmental engineering said that for CEE's 125th in 2000, she produced a 24-page pamphlet in which she "tried to have a mixture of new and old news." It included interviews with all living department heads (way cool) and reprints of key articles from the department's newsletter (one described how computers were introduced into the department). Other Editors suggested that Melanie touch base with Alumni Association communicators like Nancy Duvergne Smith for additional ideas. *RoboHelp* Kiirja Paanenen, web producer with the Office of Sponsored Programs, is wondering if anyone is using RoboHelp, an Adobe application. According to Kiirja, among other benefits it can take content, index everything, and allow searches on key phrases. Sounds great to me! (For more, go to http://www.adobe.com/products/robohelp.html) Anyway, Kiirja thinks the application might work well for her group, but first wanted to show her OSP colleagues what it can do. And what could be better than giving them an example from another MIT office? So: if you use RoboHelp, send Kiirja a note at . *Perfect Segue* Kiirja's query made the perfect segue for a topic I wanted to bring up: Lynda.com. The online site, free for us because MIT has a subscription, is packed with tutorials about techie stuff ranging from web design to social media. And, it apparently also includes courses on....RoboHelp! Recently MIT Information Services & Technology introduced lyndaCampus, an enhancement to lynda.com. LyndaCampus personalizes the site. Among other benefits, this means you can now view your lynda.com history and bookmark courses of interest. For more info, go to . *MIT Facts* The 2012 MIT Facts booklet is now available, says Danyel Barnard, senior communications specialist at Communication Production Services. To get a limited number of free copies (or info on buying more), send a note to . You can also find it online at . *Thank You!* Many thanks to Kiirja Paananen, who hosted this meeting at the Office of Sponsored Programs. *Next Meetings* The next meetings of MIT Editors' Club, which are always from 12-1 but in different locations around campus, are as follows: Monday, Feb. 13 1-216 (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Tuesday, March 13 4-303 (Physics) Wednesday, April 18 W98-302 (Resource Development) Friday, May 18 46-3015 (Brain and Cognitive Sciences) Monday, June 11 66-360 (Chemical Engineering) Cheers! Elizabeth P.S. Did a spellcheck of this note just now, and quasquicentennial "was not found" in the Mail dictionary. LOL! ========================= Elizabeth A. Thomson Associate Director of Communications MIT Resource Development Office of Communications 600 Memorial Dr., W98-300 617-258-5563, 857-756-9457 , giving.mit.edu =========================