Dear Editors,<br><br>
Here is information on a seminar that may be of interest to you.
Please pass it on to people in your department who may wish to
<b>Title of Seminar</b>: <i>Regulatory Perspectives on U.S. Nuclear Power
Infrastructure: Current and Future<br>
</i><b>Presented by</b>: Peter B. Lyons, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission<br>
<b>Date</b>: February 28, 2006<br>
<b>Place</b>: MIT, Building E40-298, One Amherst Street, Cambridge,
<b>Time:</b> Reception 3:30-4:00; Seminar 4:00-5:00 p.m.<br><br>
The second seminar in the <b><i>Perspectives on Critical Infrastructure
Systems </i></b>series.<br><br>
<b>Abstract</b>: Commissioner Peter B. Lyons of the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) will speak on the subject of the NRC mission
to ensure the safety and security of our operating commercial nuclear
power plants, the attendant regulatory challenges associated with today's
security environment, and the prospect of new applications for
certification of advanced reactor designs and for combined construction
and operating licenses. Dr. Lyons will discuss the perspective of the
regulator in ensuring that existing nuclear facilities are operated
safely and securely as a necessary pre-requisite in establishing a stable
regulatory environment for the potential construction of a new generation
of advanced reactor designs. The historical and expected future
regulatory challenges associated with ensuring adequate regulations for
safety and security, and for facilitating an effective and efficient
licensing process, will be addressed. Finally, Dr. Lyons will discuss his
views on the human capital challenges to the NRC, nuclear industry, and
science and technology enterprises as we move into the future.<br><br>
<b>Co-Sponsored by</b>: MIT’s Center for Technology, Policy, and
Industrial Development (CTPID) and Engineering Systems Division
For more information, including the speaker's bio, please visit:
<a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctpid/www/seminar2.html" eudora="autourl">
</a>Thank you!<br><br>
Susan </body>