Folks. We are preparing to send out the email message below.
The message 'From the Editor' contains hard returns in order to keep the
copy contained beneath the masthead, rather than running all across the
screen before it wraps (as this part of the message does). Problem
is, if the recipient has his/her browser window set 'too narrow', the
hard returns result in fragmented lines with only one or two words.
This could presumeably be fixed if we set up the 'From the Editor' text
as an image. But some people's email can't receive images.
Anybody got a smart solution for this? There's money in it for
<img src="cid:" width=1 height=1 alt="4dc5e9be21.jpg">
<img src="cid:" width=508 height=62 alt="4dc5e9ed21.jpg">
<dd><font size=2><b>FROM THE EDITOR </b>
<dd>Welcome to the inaugural issue of <i>Supply Chain Frontiers</i>, the
electronic newsletter of the
<dd>MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. <i>Frontiers</i>
presents a selection of our latest research
<dd>as well as news on CTL activities. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments,
<dd>or suggested additions to our mailing list. Click on the link below if you wish to unsubscribe.
<dd>Happy reading! <br><br>
</dl><img src="cid:" width=1 height=1 alt="4dc5ea4b21.jpg"><b> <img src="cid:" width=505 height=29 alt="4dc5ea8921.jpg">
<dd><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/options.htm">LOOKING FOR OPTIONS</a></b><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/options.htm"> </a>
<dd>The worlds of finance and transportation could come together with a trucking option that
<dd>gives shippers more peace of mind<br><br>
<dd><b><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/control.htm">TAKING CONTROL</a></b>
<dd>New ways are needed to govern supply chains that are becoming more complicated and unruly<br><br>
<dd><b><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/oneortwo.htm">ONE CHANNEL OR TWO?</a></b>
<dd>Companies can be spoiled for choice when selling through physical as well as on-line channels <br><br>
<dd><b><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/amazon.htm">NEW ROADS TO E-COMMERCE</a></b>
<dd>Pioneering work being done by Amazon.com is clearing the way for international e-commerce<br><br>
</dl><b> <img src="cid:" width=1 height=1 alt="4dc5ead721.jpg"></b> <img src="cid:" width=559 height=28 alt="updates.jpg">
<dd><b><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/2020.htm">Exploring the Shape of Supply Chains to Come with the Supply Chain 2020 Project</a> <br><br>
<dd><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/zlog.htm">Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics Program Exceeds Application Targets<br><br>
<dd><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/mlog.htm">The Master of Engineering in Logistics Program Celebrates its Fifth Birthday with Record Student Numbers</a> <br><br>
</dl><img src="cid:" width=1 height=1 alt="4dc5eb0621.jpg"> <img src="cid:" width=564 height=29 alt="4dc5eb3521.jpg">
<dd><a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl/www/news/current/outandabout.htm">Presentations and Papers</a> <br><br></font>
</dl><font color="#800000"><i>MIT SUPPLY CHAIN FRONTIERS: Issue #1, May 2004<br>
</i></font><font size=2>Editor</b> Ken Cottrill (kencott@mit.edu); <b>Associate Editor </b>Nicole Blizek (nblizek@mit.edu); <b>Webmaster</b> Scott Campbell (scottc@mit.edu)<br>
<b>_____________________________________ <br>
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics <br>
</b>77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-276 <br>
Cambridge MA 02139 USA <br>
<a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl" eudora="autourl">http://web.mit.edu/ctl</a> <br><br>
<b>_______________________________________________________ <br><br>
Scott Campbell <br>
</b>Webmaster, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (<a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl" eudora="autourl">http://web.</a>mit.edu<a href="http://web.mit.edu/ctl" eudora="autourl">/ctl</a>)<br>
Editor, <i>PLAN,</i> MIT School of Architecture and Planning (<a href="http://sap.mit.edu/plan" eudora="autourl">http://sap.</a>mit.edu<a href="http://sap.mit.edu/plan" eudora="autourl">/plan</a>) </body>